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KMHC Christmas Dinner 2012

Hey bloggers today there was a scheduled Pot luck Christmas luncheon at the community room and I spend 3 hours last night preparing my famous potato salad for the function. This year there was a low attendance even the UNH's director couldn't find the time to show up and Santa didn't drop by.  :(  Regardless there was laughter and jokes all around our table from the UNH’s staff and tenants.  Special thanks to Debbie E. for the excellent trifle. :)
Unfortunately during the serving of the dinner Deb the driver and I heard somebody calling for help. I immediately put my plate down to see what was wrong.  Poor Holy Moses he slipped and fell while doing his laundry.  Now whenever a fellow tenant is in trouble and needs physical assistance I’m always there for them.  The Acting HSC Ingrid Nosel was standing at the laundry room doorway and rudely told me to move along.  First of all Mr. Moses is a big man and an acquaintance of mine, H.O.W. Charles & I are the only strong men who could help and I told her I’m not leaving until I know he’s ok.  Then she got irate and threatened to call the police which in turn I calmly said “go ahead!” this is a common (hallway) area you can’t tell me where to go.  Instead of focusing on Howard’s condition she instead tried to pick a fight with me.  Needless to say she never did call the was an empty threat.  Soon after Holy Moses made it to the community room and joined the feast I’m glad to report he’s a little shaken up but ok.  Later when Ingrid left the room I had a private conversation with him to explain my intent and he understood my concern. You know throughout the year I’ve helped many tenants who have difficulty getting around and to be told by the HSC to get lost is something I don’t take lightly.  
And now folks I have something shocking to report, never have I known any non profit organization or agency in the city of Hamilton refuse or deny a person a gift card due to personal reasons.  Ingrid Nosel is guilty of this practice I’ve seen her do this before with former tenant Danny Joseph.  Today all tenants in the community room were given a $25.00 annual Christmas gift card except me.  H.O.W. Charles apologized for this, I patted him on the shoulder and said it’s not his fault.
To the United Way and other financial supporters of UNH’s….this is how your contributions are being used.  I believe in fairness & equality for all and since the HSC Ingrid Nosel can't put her personal differences and jealousies aside then perhaps she shouldn't be working here. 

So much for a Merry Christmas Eh!


Tony King said…
Here are a few facts I would like to add to this blog that I forgot to mention earlier, fellow tenant Deano asked if he could bring his girlfriend to the luncheon and was refused. The reason? because there’s not enough food and yet he and I were one of the biggest contributors to the pot luck. There were many empty seats and lots of food leftover and get this, the last I saw Ingrid Nosel she was loading up two large Tupperware containers of turkey and what was leftover for herself. I didn’t say anything to her but I thought Deano could have brought his girlfriend and join the group. :(

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