This afternoon fellow tenant Deano and I decided to attend the “Idle No More Rally” held at the Hamilton city hall grounds. The protest rally was a triumph I was inspired by the speaker’s words. “No more will we Natives be complacent and go along with asinine polices and empty promises from the Federal Government. We will not be repressed”. As my friend and I were walking towards the rally I overheard a non aboriginal male say to the cops “What’s going on, are the Indians taking over City Hall?” Ha! I just walked by and shook my head. Speeches where heard, drumming chants where loud and the people of Hamilton, Natives & non Natives and even pets united in solidarity marched down Main street to the downtown core and back to City Hall. As we were about to start I noticed the Hamilton Police were helpful by stopping traffic for our march. You know me I’m an out going person so I approached one officer and said “Thank you for allowing us to march on the streets” she replied “You’re welcome” :)
It was a good day for a protest, I noticed many familiar faces at the rally, Al Loft the former cleaner for KMHC and I shook hands and wished a Merry Christmas to Joseph Anton a former KMHC outreach worker. I would have loved to ask him a few questions regarding Ingrid Nosel’s character but that was not the time or place. Speaking of KMHC Outreach workers a few years ago I posted a blog about former H.O.W. Stephanie Hager and the drama that unfolded between HSC Ingrid Nosel and her. Guess what readers I ran into Stephanie Hager a week ago we greeted each other and had a nice chat, I know where she’s working and I’m going to ask for an interview…it should be interesting and rest assured it will be posted here.
Re: KMHC, the rally has inspired me to keep on going, it’s quite apparent HSC Ingrid Nosel wants to evict me but be prepared for a court battle. I will not agree to any form of mediation we will go straight to trial/hearing. She will have to explain her reasons to a Landlord & Tenant adjudicator/judge and right now she doesn't have a pot to piss in aka "a weak case" I will move out someday but it will be on my terms.