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Ingrid Nosel Is Insane

This afternoon I received an N5 notice so I immediately went to the Hamilton legal Clinic for advice, the lawyer read Ingrid Nosel’s claim and asked for my version on this isolated incident and wrote it down.  Her recollection of what happened is totally off base and full of lies, she claims I tried to force my way in the laundry room and yelled obscenities to her which is not true and the hallway surveillance video will prove it.  I was worried about poor Howard who had an accident and there she was raising her voice yelling at me in the hallway.  Howard knew I was there for him yet Ingrid seems to think if a person falls on the ground it’s something shameful and should be hidden.  In her claim she goes on like she’s the victim.  Any sane person would have welcomed a strong man (me) to assist with the fallen man. I have first aid training.  After Howard said "Go Tony I'll be ok"  I left and went back to the luncheon we continued the festivities then Ingrid came in the room stood by the sink and stared me down in attempt to provoke a reaction..I ignored her. 
I was told by tenant Bonnie Hill last year when Spencer had an attack in the community room Ingrid Nosel yelled at the tenants to get out of the room….the tenant were offended by her outburst.  
I can recall a few years ago one tenant the late Neil Day who lived a few doors from me fell in the hallway and cracked his head there was pools of blood all over the floor, the staff helped him up then left him alone in his unit, went outside for a smoke and waited for the ambulance to arrive.  I was shocked about the incident so I sent an e-mail to UNH’s Director encouraging first aid training to all staff. She complied with my concern and arranged a one day first aid training class. Unfortunately the employees that attended the class are no longer working in the organization. Come to think of it that's one of the reasons I went to Howard's aid after witnessing Neil Day's accident I wasn't sure the new staff knew what they were doing. 
Before this incident the last time I spoke to Ingrid was at the August 2012 tenant meeting and in front on everybody she left the meeting in a huff.
Why was I served an N5 notice after I agreed yesterday with the police officer not to talk to her or the staff?….It’s her last ditch attempt at getting back at me because I’m not a repressed Native and probably pissed off because the meeting I had with the police officer didn't turn out as she expected.  In my opinion the woman has an authority complex, displays irrational behavior and I recommend retirement & therapy.  Now that the weekend is here we tenants can all relax and go about our daily lives and try to enjoy the Christmas week without HSC Ingrid Nosel causing tension in the building.

I'd like to thank the readers on Google +, Twitter and Facebook and those in the real world (fellow tenants and friends) for the support during this difficult time.  I refuse to let acting HSC Ingrid Nosel and her insane antics interfere with my Holiday season mood. :)


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