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Poor Working Environment

My unit is located near the KMHC office, along with a friendly wave or hello I see the junior staff going about their business in a cheerful manner with the exception of one employee.  You would think KMHC has a pleasant working environment but that is not the case.  March 2016 is when Urban Native Homes head office was forced to move from their former spacious location to the cramp basement level of KMHC.  There were approx. 8-10 staff members at the time.  Then the Urban Native Homes financial scandal broke out and soon after the current UNH acting director’s illicit past became public knowledge, everyone was worried will they have a job.  Fearful meetings going on in the community room, the rumor mill was in full rotation while I just stood back and observed the panic. 

Check your search engine it states this building location is Urban Native Homes head office yet that is not correct.  There is no real head office, the organization has spread out to three locations and to keep in communication most staff will be driving around town with their cell phone stuck in their ear.
UNH staff has diminished quite dramatically, hours have been cut, some have abruptly quit their job while others have been fired.  UNH’s decided to go with hiring contractors to do major maintenance work and the result shows.  Last weekend there was no hot water available in the building.

As of last week the KMHC office has no reception desk clerk and the office door is to remain closed indefinitely.  Get This!   A notice of the change was posted on the door for a day, then removed then re posted again a few days later.  This morning a letter was delivered under my door the mailboxes will be changed today, then at lunch time I was told by staff it's not going to happen until Monday.  Confused yet!  :P
Program post on the bulletin board invited tenants to the African Lion Safari then at the last minute UNH cancelled.  I'm told the reason is "they have no money” how embarrassing and disappointing for the Native tenant elders.  I mean why post an invitation when the host is broke.

Today’s blog post is aimed at the housing outreach worker in the UNH organization.  Hamilton Police Services are getting annoyed with her.  I will go into more detail after I check my legal options on how to proceed in dealing with this woman. 

Enjoy the last days of summer.  According to Environment Canada it's going to be a hot one.  :)



Angleon said…
Thank. you again for the update, it seems that things up at Stoney Creek Mountain are not so great some tenants were giving tickets and some vehicles were towed away, no proper notice was given, a letter was giving after the fact, now you must show your ownership and insurance slips, our parking lots are pretty well empty, some vehicles remained and some were forced to park on the side streets. I am assuming by this its there way of improving and protecting themselves at the same time, but tension with the tenants have reached a high level, I fear if something isn't done with Management it will get worst
Angleon said…
Thank. you again for the update, it seems that things up at Stoney Creek Mountain are not so great some tenants were giving tickets and some vehicles were towed away, no proper notice was given, a letter was giving after the fact, now you must show your ownership and insurance slips, our parking lots are pretty well empty, some vehicles remained and some were forced to park on the side streets. I am assuming by this its there way of improving and protecting themselves at the same time, but tension with the tenants have reached a high level, I fear if something isn't done with Management it will get worst
Tony King said…
Hello Angleon. In my next blog I'll post a link for Kenatah tenants, it's an article written in a major newspaper about parking lot rights.
Angleon said…
yes but a lot of tenants were ticketed without proper notice, and towed before notices were given out, isn't it time that we should be reaching out to the City Councils about the terrible conditions its been going on for too long or at least the Reporter that did the original article on UNH's
Angela Pugliese said…
The Hamilton Spectator City Council approves funding for City Housing when you get a chance you should read it, how will this affect UNH's?
Tony King said…
Thank you Michelle for your comment. Yes I have read the article, I'll be posting my critique on the subject in my next blog.
Anonymous said…
it has come to my atention that the vehicle our executive director christine drives is registered to urban native homes and was bought bran new in febuary 2017 from dewildt chrysler and was previously registered to the hamilton regional indian center i am left wondering when people are in desperate need of repairs to their units and trips for seniors are canceled due to lack of funds how are excutive director can drive an UNH owned vehicle for her personel use maybe its in her cotract i do not know i am also left wondering if she pays for the gas insurance and maintainence or does urban native homes inc pay for this if anyone can answer this i would be gratefull

Anonymous said…
this is not the UNH transportation van im refering to the only thing this van transports is christine herself it is a 2016 model and is unmarked has no urban native homes logos on it there is still a transportation van used by UNH it is an older model with UNH logo on it and i hear the old van is not in the greatest shape
Anonymous said…
the van im refering to is not the transportation van that van is an older model with a logo on the doors the van im refering to is a 2016 model that is unmarked and the only thing the van tranports is chritine herself
Tony King said…
I get it. The van you are referring to is a light colored vehicle, I've seen it parked at KMHC a few times.
Anonymous said…
no again toni the van im refering to is dark blue and is parked in the daytime at the candlewood drive office where christines office is she drives it to the office and leaves with it after work and she is in possesion of the said vehicle all weekend long it is registered to UNH inc she is in possesion of the said vehicle 24 hours a day not just dureing work hoursthats why im wondering who pays for the insurance gas and maintainance if UNH is paying for the costs of the operation of the said van which christine uses for her personel use there is a problem there to the best of my knowledge no executive director in any of the native agencies in hamilton are provided with a vehicle especially a vehicle which they can use for personel use
Anonymous said…
now i find this hard to understand janice lewis deeley never had a company vehicle for her to use and she declared her salary i believe it was 72000 a year and i believe the executive director of the hamilton regional indian centre makes approximately the same amount and does not have the use of a company vehicle for her personel use so it would be fair to say christine lenze would make around the same amount of money janice made you would think she could afford to buy her own car and would not be useing the dark blue van that urban native homes purchased in febuary of this year and be in possesion of it 24 hours a day for her personel use and you would think the current board of directors would of questioned this purchase in the troubled times UNH has bin faceing in the last few years when they have a backlog of work to be done on tennant units and have had to cancel the trip for seniors due to lack of funds wouldnt you agree tony
Tony King said…
I agree with everything you are saying and I remember one time I was at Albert Street to pay the rent when I notice Janis Lewis-Deeley entering a taxi to her next meeting, should she need a lift and the van was available she would ask the driver take her. At the end of the day the(blue)transportation van was always parked at KMHC for the night.

The current UNH management is shady at best not only with tenants but with their own staff. I'm told by a former employee that Christine has her group of "minions" that cover her butt. I understand the female administration team needs the salary but seriously have some self respect and show integrity.
Anonymous said…
i would really love to see her contract with urban native homes but being appointed temporary excecutive director she may not have a contract with the employer so i highly doubt she would be provided with a company vehicle for her personel use if urban native homes is paying the expenses on the vehicle in question and not christine im no lawyer but i think it may well be construed as a form of embezelement the term embezelement means {misapproriation theft of fundsplaced in ones trust belonging to ones employer} in my oppinion a forensic audit should take place of unhs funds and if any wrong doing is found christine should be fired and the board of directors should be kicked out for letting her reamain in her possition and the city of hamilton may well be liable because i think they appointed the current board of directors lets get some copatent employees in place at unh
Anonymous said…
one thing i know for sure is when janice lewis deely was the excutive director at unh she was allways available to tennants she ducked no punches and never sat in a locked office the current director sits in a locked office and as you would say toni her minnions offices upstairs are also locked the tennants have no access to these offices after haveing tennants cars towed away without warning or notice i would like to say the parking spots are for tennant use and the visitors are for guests of unh tennants yet the staff up there use these parking spots there is no designated employee parking so maybe the staffs vehicles should be towed away or they should park there cars on the adjacent streets every day the candlewood offices are looking more like a fortress with security cameras and locked doors maybe they should change the name of the complex to fort lenze
Tony King said…
Wow! This is worth a in depth investigation. Interesting ideas for my next blog.
Tony King said…
Hi Michelle. I checked the KMHC bulletin board there is no notice about any schedule meeting. I'm going to e-mail The Spec/City hall reporter perhaps he can give us the time and date.
Angela Pugliese said…
For information on what I had just mentioned about the meeting contact City Councilman's Assistant for Doug Conley, I had to remove the other posts as a picture was posted that I didn't want to share, so I reposting this know
Anonymous said…
lets talk about your favourite unh employee now toni ingrid it has come to my attention she has taken 3 or more leaves of absense in her time at unh and has not bin seen at the candlewood offices for quite some time now i would love to see the payroll records since christine and ingrid have bin in charge to see who has bin being actively paid by unh what employees have bin fired or quit and who they have bin replaced with and the qualifications of said employees and there job titles who christine and ingrid hired any family ties to christine and ingrid or wether they may have bin freinds and family of christine and ingrid im willing to bet there is alot of neputism and favourtism of employess hired by un h since christine has bin executive director open the books christine and prove me wrong lets see some accountability from our excecutive director not locked doors and silence
Angela Pugliese said…
They need to think about the Structure, the days of Executive Director responsible for all the units are gone, leaving one person in charge is not working out, giving someone all the power is not working there needs to be restructure
Angela Pugliese said…
Also for the record I did see Ingrid before she left, she is on leave, and from our conversation may not be returning in the near future
Angela Pugliese said…
This place is falling apart, repairs are still not getting done, port lights are out again, and garbage left behind, someone needs to start paying attention to the issues that are going on, enough is enough
Anonymous said…
your quite right michelle ive bin to the complex there is allways garbage left behind and ive seen the roofs are in dire need to be redone shingles keep blowing off in stormy weather and are only ever patched over that is why i have raised the issue of christine buying and driveing a unh vehicle for her personel use and if the said vehicle was bran new why was it previously registered to the hamilton regional indian centre and trying to find out whether christine pays the costs to run and maintain the vehicle or does unh pay these costs if unh pays these costs while christine uses the van for her personel use how can she justify it while some much work needs to be done on tennant units and saying there is no money for trips for seniors and repair of tennant units?
Anonymous said…
also ive heard rumours of christines illecit past whether they are true or not i dont know but whats bin going on around UNH seem to be signaling that there could be something going on at unh thats not on the up and up and i would love to see a forensic audit done of unh books to make sure the funds are being spent properly and that there is no misapprpiation of the said funds?
Angela Pugliese said…
Because basically The Acting Director is only concern about her job, its not about the tenants, and who is watching over her, this is why there needs to be an investigation into what's going on here, and the City needs to take a good look its not pretty at all, do not wait till its too late, heard she and a staff were laughing at a letter a tenant brought in, the Acting Director is not looking out for what's best for the tenants at all
Tony King said…
I would like to know what does "Acting Director" mean? I recall many moons ago when I worked for a big security company and due to renovations I was assigned "Acting Supervisor" meaning I temporarily had the responsibilities of running an alarm central station and was paid accordingly. Ms. Lenze has been floating around with the job title for some time. I say let's get a real housing director with good leadership skills. One who is not afraid to make public appearances and face tenant concerns and complaints head on.
Anonymous said…
id also like to say and this is my oppinion and some of you may not agree with it thats fine UNHs previous manangement may not have bin perfect but it was run alot better than what we have now the empolyees and management were alot freindlier and they new there possitions within UNH and were capable of doing the jobs upon which they were hired for the since the current management has bin in place these people have bin fired and pushed into quiting there jobs by the bullying tactics used by current management and have bin replaced by people who do not have the qulifications to do the said jobs and this shows by the state of affairs UNH is in now i remember the good looking blonde girl who worked in the office by the car port i think she was a tennant councelor while she was in that office there was no air conditioning there then magically after she left the girl who replaced her had a window air conditioning unit in that office i wonder what happened to the blonde who worked there did she quit or was she fired ive heard she was well liked and respected by the candlewood tennants i think its time all the unh tennants get together and say enough is enough we have lost confidence in christine lenze and the people she has hired while in her possition as executive director they are not qualified to do the jobs they have bin hired for lets get rid of the favourtism and neputism christine has brought to UNH inc now dont trust me on this it is only rumour but ive heard the only ones hired by current management are either family to christine related some how or freinds of hers or people she has hired?
Angela Pugliese said…
The only way this will happen is if concerns are made to the City and the Spec otherwise Acting Director, sits in her office and it remains the same
Tony King said…
Hey Michelle & to UNH tenants. As promised last week I emailed the City hall/Spec reporter in regard to UNH management. He replied back almost immediately and wants to read your comments and go from there. I sent him this link so trust me he's watching. I would like to encourage readers and UNH tenants to post their comments. It doesn't necessary have to be here it could be on any other post on this blog site.
Angela Pugliese said…
It would help if the employees that were forced to quit or fired under the New Acting Director Christine Lenze would come forth and tell what the conditions were like to the City, apparently, from my understanding they did give information to George from the City not sure his last name, I myself was in contact with George apparently he is the one we are suppose to contact he is aware of the complaints against the Acting Director Christine, I just don't understand why something is not being done about this
Angela Pugliese said…
There is one thing that should be clarified our complex area on the mountain, we had a Superintendent and we had someone that cleaned the grounds on a regular basis, majority of all our repairs were done by the Superintendent we had communication through newsletters sent on a regular basis, it was a major disappointment when Acting Director came in and removed the staff and put in staff that was not properly trained its left us with a big mess, someone needs to start looking into this
Angela Pugliese said…
Just wanted to say do you notice that we haven't had unit inspections in 2 yrs at least in the Stoney Creek area, and when they came in as new management they insisted on asking when was the last time you had a home inspections with the previous management just a thought is it mandatory for Affordable Housing?
Tony King said…
The landlord must give a written '24 hour notice to enter' with a reason and a time slot. Annual inspections are normal in subsidized housing. I like to be present during any inspection by making sure they don't damage or move my belongings.
Anonymous said…
also with the other native organizations haveing there annaul general meetings recently or upcomeing why hasnt UNH had annaul general meeting in approximately the last 3 years as to the van again i think it recieves funding LHINS and it use is for the transportation of our seniors not for our executive directors personel use did LHINS provide the funding for the purchase of the new van or did UNH directly pay for this van that is something id like an answer to also this being rent review time tennants may not wish to post there concerns on this blog due to the fear of retaliation by current management?
Anonymous said…
it has also come to my attention that the rent review papers for candlewood tennants have to be turned in at 42 mary st then are being sent back up to candlewood to i believe rachael whos office is at the candlewood location why put this extra burden on the candlewood tennants who could personally hand them into rachael directly at her candlewood office?
Tony King said…
Anonymous - I'll answer your last question. This blog was created because the tenant meetings were one sided. I felt management wasn't listening nor act on our tenant suggestions and some were good. I can't speak for every tenant but I can speak for myself. I've thrown down the gauntlet at UNH and survived.
I've listened to the stories from many tenants over the years and yes there is the fear factor of being evicted. After a while some give up and move out or some stay with close mouths because they have no place to go. It's sad really.
Should a tenant have a landlord issue I invite them to comment because there is no tenant lease violation. They can't be evicted.
Another alternative is to organize a tenant committee, strength in numbers, with the right leadership it can be successful.
Angela Pugliese said…
You need to contact your Council and inform them what is going on, the process has started already, some tenants as well as gone to Human Rights etc, talking about isn't going to solve this issue, because Management isn't here for the tenants
Anonymous said…
now heres another one from the archives in the spring of 2016 UNH unilaterally decided to change companys for water heater rentals they went from reliance to enercare all units had reliance equipment removed and enercare put in new water heaters the tennants had no say in this it was entirely UNHS decission allthough tennants were up to date with their reliance bills the change went ahead and without tennant consent personel billing information was given to enercare by UNH doesnt sound like a big deal hold on i believe the tenannts at candlewood maybe all UNH units did not recieve bills for approximately 9 months to 1 year then were hit with bills of 200 dollars or more less for other tennants depending on the installation date of the water heating unit i was told by tennants at the candlewood complex they tried to make arrangements with enercare to pay the bills over time enercare refused hung up on the tennants and when they called enercare back were directly put over to collections department at enercare it was not the tennants fault and the bills were not even at there due date i heard the tennants were refuseing to pay these bills because of the nature of the treatment they recieved from enercare ive heard the bills were paid by UNH for the candlewood tennants do the math it cost UNH around 10000 dollars money that could of bin used for unit repair not sure if they paid enercare bills for all UNH units if they did this was a small fortune that could of bin appropiated in better ways who was the genius at UNH who came up with the idea to change water heater providers?
Angela Pugliese said…
After numerous emails to maintenance about my heat not working, and being ignored I will be calling the Health Inspector, I am fed up are heating boiler systems are over 20yrs old and were suppose to be replaced and instead they keep sending in these Contractors to attempt to fix will I have reached my breaking point, especially since someone from the City came over and apparently indicated they would be receiving funding for it that was last year, so now I need to take action on this issue, and I will and I always do
Angela Pugliese said…
I will clarify this statement, we waited up to a year to fix this mess with enercare UHN refused to communicate with tenants leaving us frustrated and as well as dealing with Reliance, after all, all the bills are in our name so we dealt with this and threats to collection agency, how could they get away with this George from the City was aware of this, what does George do with all this information, it has been a nightmare no one was sure what to do and eventually enercare took the wrap for it and started to give credits to tenants out of there expense just need to say some received credits and some did not, its been a nightmare since this New Management has come in, when is the City going to step in
Anonymous said…
to the best of my knowledge tennants were to recieve 3 months free rental on the new equipment installed by enercare and were to take away old equipment and return it to reliance and no further bills were to be sent out by reliance enercare all fees and other costs were to be covered by enercare some tennants recieved an additional bill for a months rental of the reliance equipment yes it was a big mess and i was informed UNH paid the enercare bills for candlewood tennants and possibly other tennant units to and the new bills reflected someone either paid the said bills or enercare credited tennants no explanation was given on the bills and the person your refering to at the city i believe is george gambioli and he has recieved numerous complaints from tennants as well UNH employees since christine has bin acting executive director where is the current board of directors of UNH and why have they remained silent on issues of UNH they were hand picked by the city of hamilton to oversee the acting executive director christine lenze so many questions but no one seems to be answering them and the current director and her staff go on whos accountable?
Angela Pugliese said…
I keep saying this but until tenants start complaining to City Councils about the issues going on here, nothing will get resolved, apparently there is suppose to be a meeting with the Board and City Council it was supposed to be at the end of October still no word on this, as we are writing these messages The UHN Management is sitting in there office laughing at us, its been over two years when is someone going to look into this
Angela Pugliese said…
Your right about the 3 months but it didn't happen this way there was a huge error, I do not blame Enercare on this whole mess, I blame UHN for not being responsible, we need New Management ASAP
Angela Pugliese said…
One last piece of information that I am still looking for but when this story first came out about the New Director, a letter was sent out to tenants telling us that the article about her wasn't factual lol it is all true, I am looking for this letter, reporters only report facts
Tony King said…
Michelle - at KMHC the tenants were told by H.O.W. Lynda Jones it's not factual. I thought Is she fuckin kidding! Metaphorically speaking - If the ass kissers want to go down with the captain on a sinking ship then fine, but don't include the passengers. :P
Angela Pugliese said…
We may in Affordable Housing but I am no foul, and the day will come when this is all exposed, and all whats going on will come out
Anonymous said…
people reading this blog i want to assure you the information i posted here on the new van christine drives and uses for her personel use is true so im going to tell you how i got the information i personally witnessed her driveing this van to and from work more times than i can count since febuary 2017 when it was purchased and have seen her out shopping with it on weekends i started hearing rumours the new van belonged to UNH and due to the state of affairs UNH is in it really concerned me so i wrote down the license plate number of the said van and went off to the ministry of transportation you know where you renew your license plates and get stickers for your car and bought a vehicle package for twenty dollars the vehicle package lists previous owners number of kilometres on the said vehicle and any liens registered against the the said vehicle the current registry says urban native homes in the second registry says dewildt chryser and the third registant says hamilton regional indian centre and that no leins are registered on the said vehicle which means it is paid in full and no creditors fiananced the said vehicle anyone watching this blog can go buy a vehicle package on the van just write down the plate number and spend twenty bucks its just that simple and not illegal at all so if any of yous watching this blog want to prove me wrong go buy the vehicle package just be sure you dont take the plate number of the old van with the logos on it its the new one dark blue with no logos allways parked in an tennant spot opposite the office on candlewood dr?
Tony King said…
The benefit of being a blog moderator I can read any comment first then decide does it contribute to the topic and does it seem credible for publishing. Anonymous I don't doubt your writings and never second guess yourself by explaining your information sources. I admire your detective skills I assume you are a tenant or a UNH staff member, either way your comments are welcome.

Anonymous said…
thanks tony but i wanted your readers to be sure im not some loud mouth venting on your blogspot and that i am credible in what i say i trust you are aware of that or you wouldnt post my comments and by the way very good assumption of who i may be lets just say im a concerned citizen and il let out one more tid bit you can post this if you so choose lets just say some of my info may very well come from inside chritines inner circle it may well of come from one of the so called minnions and i may very well may have promised not to reveal this persons identity i dont know what this persons motive may be for revealing info to me maybe guilt maybe they feel there in line for the eds job i dont know and dont really much care it is what it is no more no less and as you would id like tennants and employees past and present to come forward with there complaints there is strength in numberes and it will bring upon us the change at UNH we are all striveing for thanks again tony for your time and patience it is greatly appreciated
Angela Pugliese said…
Saw this in the paper everyone needs to write to the Hamilton Spec and voice your concerns HEDAC does not currently include Urban Native Homes, which is going through restructuring amid concerns about financial mismanagement and oversight. This means that its more than 210 subsidized units will not have access to any of the funding.

However, Dockstator said HEDAC could consider letting them back in after successful restructuring. They better be concerned about whats going on right now. Is the City not aware of what's going on
Anonymous said…
hi angleon im sorry i mean michelle could you post a link to where this article is located or tell me where i may find it im intreted in reading it thank you
Anonymous said…
hi angleon im sorry i mean michelle could you post a link to where this article is located or tell me where i may find it im intreted in reading it thank you
Angela Pugliese said…
Today I noticed that all of the vehicles of UHN that reside at Candlewood were nowhere to be seen, wonder what's going on there not responded to any emails or etc at least here, hoping that some good news is coming soon
Tony King said…
The blue UNH van U know the one with all the writings was at KMHC today. I think Missy was driving it.
Angela Pugliese said…
Wishful thinking I guess, what a mess this complex is, when is someone going to step in
Angela Pugliese said…
My big fear is if UHN receives this funding by the City, it may not be used for the purpose its meant to be, as long as the Acting Director is in office
Angela Pugliese said…
There needs to be more further investigation into the Playground equipment that was removed on Candlewood from our complex by Management, they explained that it was based on the letter we sent to them on concerns with the playground our concerns were based on the grounds being not levelled but the equipment wasn't our issue, what happened to the equipment, was it sold? etc, when we contacted the City Council Doug Conley's office they stated it was because the equipment wasn't safe? it was only 5 yrs old, but why did Management tell us a whole different story, I feel so unsafe living here under this Management, something needs to be done.
Anonymous said…
any investigation done should be indepth and done with a fine tooth comb into all funds recieved by UNH and how they have bin allocated by UNH they are accountable to the city who provides funding they are accountable to the province who provides funding and they are accontable to any entity private or public who may provide any sort of funding and last but not least they are accountable to all UNH tennants they are the reason the said funds are provided so that they may have safe affordable houseing now on another note im not in favour of the current management and would love to see them go but as to the garbage there is a 1 bag limit which i hear some tennants are not following the city provides the said tennants with free tags that can be used when they have more than 1 bag that is the reason garbage gets left behind on garbage day also ive bin told walmart grocery carts are left on the candlewood site by tennants if your strong enough to push a cart full off grocerys to candlewood from walmart then surelly your strong enough to push an empty cart back over to walmart and ive bin told children access these carts for play one inside the cart while another pushes it around fast its only a matter of time before a child does get hurt and also some tennants leave the junk mail at the mail box and it gets blown around the complex when winds pick up so tennants take some resposibility and believe me management will be held accountable for what they have done with the UNH funds look at the offices its in the air
Angela Pugliese said…
Anonymous let me tell you this place was efficiently run before by Superintendent and someone who cleaned the complex, since this New Management came in, they fired and another quit because of the horrible working conditions, we asked this Management to empty the garbage cans and they eliminated them, so you can see the frustration we are going through, as far as the children are concerned losing there playground area, caused a lot of issues, it kept them busy and out of trouble, so understand it comes done to management and as far as the carts go if someone was watching our grounds it would have been kept up to date, so its time to start pushing the concerns with the City, its already out of hand
Anonymous said…
michelle there are things in control of management and things they cant control this again is only my oppinion lets not turn this site into a witch hunt allthough the term witch may have some revelance to management lol i think this site was setup to hold management accountable and toni has done a great job of maintaining this blog site for this purpose so i would like to know 1 has management appropriated its funds to best suit its mandate that is too provide safe affordable houseing to its tennants 2 has management properly used that said funds in the proper maintaince of the said units 3 has the current acting executive director misappropriated the said funds for her personell use 4 has the current executive director guilty of useing bullying tactics on past and present employees in a bid to get them to quit or has fired them and replaced them with employees not qualified to do the jobs they were hired for and are they related to the said director directly or indirectly or are they freinds of hers and those she chose to hire the current management will be held accontable for its actions its just a matter of time allthough we all know what has bin going on at UNH no one will step in until they no fore sure of the wrong doing by management they may face lawsuits if they go in unjustified this takes time so please be patient i believe the process may have bin allready started and to those employees who were forced into quiting or were fired i hope this is looked into and yous can be rehired by a compatent management and to those few good employees who have tried to weather the storm and are being bullyied by managent currently still employed at UNH i hope any new management will keep yous on the payroll and see the value yous bring to UNH there arent many of yous still left in the employ of UNH
Angela Pugliese said…
The bottom line Anonymous, thanks for all the information you have shared, in order to keep things in control you need good leadership, management we do not have it, so therefore do not expect tenants or anyone to care at this point we have been to City Council Doug Conley but as I mentioned on numerous occasions, you all have to come together, and start advocating to the City or things will not get better but worse
Tony King said…
I would like to thank the commentaries regarding The Kenatah Complex. I'm working on a new blog post that will include a link to your comments. I want the readers/bloggers of the world to read what UNH tenants have to endure under the reign of a Mickey Mouse management. :P
Angela Pugliese said…
Thank you Tony this sounds good, I was wondering have you heard back from the Reporter?
Angela Pugliese said…
Basically the bottom line is that repairs are not getting done, communication issues with New management, and issues with management in regards to manner and conduct, those are major issues we are facing someone needs to listen now the issues have escalated
Angela Pugliese said…
add to the list that some tenants have gone to Community Legal Clinic in regards to there concerns and to City Council, this proves how serious things are in Urban Natives Homes
Anonymous said…
okay folks ive done some research and found two news paper articles refering to christines illecit past one was published in the hamilton spectator april 13 2016 by mathew apparently christine was originall charged with 1 count of fraud over 5000 and 2 counts of breach of trust she was only convicted of 1 count of breach of trust and was sentaced to a conditional sentance to be served in hamilton of 1 year apparently she was diverting funds to her family in her employ instead of useing the funds red earth young artist collective the other article was in the winnipeg free press date sept 8 2010 it states almost the same thing christine was in the employ of the fedral heritage ministry where she diverted federal grants to employ family and freinds sound familar to what is going on at unh presently now i would love to post the articles here on the blog site but i dont know how to go about it as my computer skills are rather basic if any one knows how to do it please do now i have another concern is how a person with a breach of trust coviction could be put in the possition of executive director at UNH and be in charge of large amounts of fund by the city of hamilton who were aware of her past conviction hmmm?
Tony King said…
The article is posted on this blog site titled "Another UNH's Scandal" on April 14 2016. U will have to scroll down my blog list to find it. U will find it interesting to read. :)
Anonymous said…
didnt notice it im relatively new to your site and am learning every day i would love to see the article from the winnipeg free press up it goes into alot more detail of the circumstances
Anonymous said…
didnt notice it im relatively new to your site and am learning every day i would love to see the article from the winnipeg free press up it goes into alot more detail of the circumstances
Anonymous said…
found them both toni on your blog very intresting seems lenze maybe well schooled in her criminal endeavors my guess is a plea deal was reached dropping the more serious fraud charge and 1 count of breach of trust to avoid jail time alot of the facts seem simular to what may be going on at UNH currently if it is so lets hope they walk her out the door in a pair of cuffs and she recieves jail time this time around cant think of a person who would deserve this better than christine hope there waiting for her arrival at lickety chick prison lol
Tony King said…
.....I agree with U on the plea deal. Anyway I'm working on my next blog post. Check in the morning it should be online.
Angela Pugliese said…
The biggest issue is that a lot of tenants and staff have communicated with George gambioli about the concerns that are going on but what has happened with all this information, I have spoken to him about my concerns and I feel that he doesn't seem to be sharing it with anyone else in the City, that is why he was assigned, there needs to be further investigation into this, why should we communicate with him anymore?
Angela Pugliese said…
Just for the record I would like to say the Article that the Reporter wrote when this originally happen explains everything The New Acting Director from what I understand corporated with the City in giving information what was going on, Janice was an amazing Director and cared about her tenants, but what happened lead to her being dismissed, I believe that The New Acting Manager approached the City in the hope of gaining the position, I believe this was the plan all the time, this is so sad and scary at the same time
Anonymous said…
you may well be right michelle she is a very cunning individual this shows by the crimes she commited in winnipeg they were premeditated and well planned she setup a dummby charitable corporation called the red earth young artists coalition and applied and recieved grants from heritage canada who she was in the employ of as a contract worker and would of known the ins and outs for recieveing the said grants she paid family out of the funds and it also paid for a trip for an italian artist to come to canada who was this italian man maybe a love intrest of christines not sure she was very lucky to not of recieved jail time and have the charges reduced to 1 count of breach of trust she should of went to jail we know she has to the least missappriated UNH funds for the purchase of the new van which was only ever used by her personally what else maybe hideing in the fianacial records of UNH id like to know but its seems at this point the city is not willing to find out the city appointed her and the board of directors and could be very liable for anything christine has done while acting as temporary executive director it was the citys decission to give her the title matbe this may break as a very big scandal for UNH and possibelly the city of hamilton this may very well be the reason the city has not and doesnt seem to want to do a propper investigation into UNH?
Tony King said…
There is no comparison between former UNH director Janis Lewis-Deeley and the current acting director Christine Lenze. Janis made appearances and dined with the tenants at all KMHC holiday luncheons and dinners. She gave speeches to inspire the tenants. When she was the UNH director we didn’t agree on much and there was animosity and I’m sure Ingrid Nosel had influence on that.

After Janis was fired from UNH and months later we did run into each other at a conference meeting at the Hamilton Indian Centre. I was so sure she would ignore me but that didn’t happen she came up to greet me with a smile. After that night I came to the conclusion since she’s no longer UNH director let bygones be bygones. We can at least be respectful to each other should our paths cross again. Interestingly I saw Janis Lewis-Deeley again earlier this year at Judy Ashkewe’s funeral. Michelle you say Janis cared about the tenants YES I have to agree. Looks like she’s doing ok these days, I read on Native Womens Centre website she’s their Vice President.

UNH Acting Director Christine Lenze does not make public appearances. Before her scandal broke out, the last time I saw her she made a disastrous speech at the Gage Park Pow Wow a few years ago. I’m told the reason she won’t meet with tenants, she’s afraid of being attacked about her past. I say Christine should you be reading this Get up off your butt and confront the situation. Stop hiding behind your minions and show actual leadership. Have a general meeting with all tenants to clear the air, if not then resign.
Anonymous said…
i must agree with the both of yous janice is kind compasionate and very considerate person she worked hard during her 35 years at UNH and is sill working hard today for the native community in hamilton and abroad i would love for all the details to come out to the best of my knowledge when you buy realestate an inspection must be done of the said property unless you buy it as is if an inspection may have bin done of the kenilworth property why did it not show the poor condition the property was in but that could go to the fact that anyone can get a job as a building inspector for this purpose it has bin showed before why did the realtor involved sell a building when they may have known its true bad condition as work was proceding why did the city inspectors not catch the buildings condition and let work go on and when and if they did why did they allow work to continue instead of condeming the building who were the contractors involved in refurbishing this building and why did they keep going when you would think they would of seen the true condition the building was in alot of questions once again i feel for janice 35 years of hard work was taken away from her at a moments notice by the city of hamilton and yet they replaced her knowingly with christine lenze who has a conviction for breach of trust for stealing money from an organization she started and defrauded it of many of thousands of dollars wheres the justice the tennants of UNH do miss you janice lewis deeley and now wish we had someone like you running the organization again
Angela Pugliese said…
Nothing will happen unless we start voicing to the City and Media about this more together, I mean all the tenants united on this, then we can make a difference
Tony King said…
.....I agree Michelle. I know KMHC has about five tenants on their committee not sure if that is enough to make a difference. Does Kenatah have a tenant committee?

I don’t use the UNH transportation services but here is some information I recently obtained from a reliable source regarding the older blue UNH van. It is funded by March of Dimes with the condition that it remains at KMHC and not to be driven for personal use. It is to be used to transport seniors and disabled people to appointments, groceries and outings. UNH pays for the gas, sticker, and insurance.

It’s been observed the UNH van has been spotted being driven around Six Nations on evening and weekends. KMHC tenants are encouraged by UNH staff to ask other Hamilton aboriginal organizations for transportation to their appointments. It’s a workload the other organizations do not appreciate because they have their own clients to transport and can’t handle more.
Anonymous said…
well if the big boys in the city wont act maybe its time to get the bigger boys of the provincial and federal governments involved they to provide funding to UNH and im sure they would not be impressed by whats going on at UNH and maybe have the balls to step up to the plate maybe we should be contacting our members of provincial parliment and our members of federal parliment the canada mortgage and houseing department and the provicial department of houseing and municipal affairs theres a provincial election comeing up im sure the liberals at queens park might want to score some brownie points
Anonymous said…
just a quick note to your last reply toni it has come to my attention that prior to febuary of this year and the arrival of the new van christine was useing the old van for her personel use i guess the old van wasnt good enough for her to drive so she purchased the new one with UNH funds?
Anonymous said…
just a quick note to your last reply toni it has come to my attention that prior to febuary of this year and the arrival of the new van christine was useing the old van for her personel use i guess the old van wasnt good enough for her to drive so she purchased the new one with UNH funds?
Anonymous said…
well just another quick note to your last reply it has come to my attention that previously to febuary of this year and the arrival of the new van christine was in possesion of the old van in off hours as she arrived to work and left with the old van and had the old van on numerous weekends i guess you could say the old van wasnt good enough for her to drive so she decided to use UNH funds to purchase the new van?
Anonymous said…
soorry toni if you got more than one of the same message my wifi keeps cutting out and it seems i loose the correspondance before i send it to you
Angela Pugliese said…
The Acting Director, was using the old van, but it was breaking down, she earns enough money to pay for her own vechicle this is abusing funds
Anonymous said…
thank you michelle thats intresting she left an employee to drive a van that was constantly breaking down that may have had seniors in it while she drove the new van around for her personel use now im wondering if the old van being unreliable was used as the excuse to purchase the new van it should be documented some where that is how much she thinks of her employees and the seniors who depended on the old van to be transported around in it unexcusable behavior by our acting executive director?
Angela Pugliese said…
I'm disgusted with this place the issue for what we called for was concerning Management when are we going to start putting pressure on the City about our Concerns please contact your City Council in your area everyone
Anonymous said…
im going to take a little break from here hopefully il be back soon with something new im just trying to confirm that it maybe possible that management may have let someone reside in a vacant unit by passing the application process meaning the next person on the waiting list who should of bin intitled to a unit may have not got one? ttyl
Tony King said…
Thank you for your contribution to Native Housing in Hamilton. Checking my stats there has been over 400 pageviews on this comment section. That is quite an achievement. :)
Angela Pugliese said…
There needs to be more investigation into a suspicious room above the offices that during the summer, when walking by the air condition was left and there was a shadow seen, hopefully something is done soon, only thing is I don't think I can hang on here much longer, I mean living here its become too much and unbearable
Angela Pugliese said…
Let this be a lesson giving a strong and powerful position to one individual without proper supervision comes with a risk, maybe there should be further look into not just having one Acting Director but a different form of Management
Anonymous said…
intresting as to the upstairs office im told the air conditioner was left running all weekend long while the windows were left open this happened most weekends this summer while the office was closed until monday what a waist of electricity?
Tony King said…
More then a few times the KMHC staff forgot to close or lock the community room at the end of the day Guess what happens next! The alarm system is triggered, the tenants are wondering why the cops are here and who's going to break into a empty room with tables and chairs. Now folks remember the UNH office staff have top qualifications and skills so they can never fuck up. :P (sarcasm)
Angela Pugliese said…
Anonymous, I have witnessed this on more than one occasion, Was it a waste of electricity or was there someone there, it is worth investigating
Anonymous said…
hi michelle im sure you seen something maybe the flash of a computer screen or maybe something else but i highly doubt there is someone occupying the upstairs office after hours im sure one of the tennants would of wittnissed someone comeing or going from the office in off hours im told when the office is open the employees dont show up until way past its opening time of 8:30am and have left before its closeing time of 4:30pm on many occasions includeing christine herself i wonder if the paychecks are docked to show these discrepencys i highly doubt it when your one of the minnions you can pretty much do as you please with no consequences?
Angela Pugliese said…
I agree but you just never now, but facts are that the air condition was left open and the window, you should just write a letter to City Hamilton and give all the facts, if you do not feel comfortable adding your name leave it out, I'm sure they will understand, this needs to be addressed before it gets to far
Angela Pugliese said…
Can I just straighten something out about the Van, when Christine first started at the Upper Stoney Creek location where she resides she did not have a vehicle and her significant other would driver her to work, and stay with her all day, even had a desk, can you believe this, somehow this individual is no longer around the complex, then the New Van pops up and everyday Christine would drive herself to work and then at the end of the day leave with it and gone all weekend, there has to be a point were this needs to be brought up to the attention of the City and an investigation into all of this begins let this be the last year, we need Management that are skilled and qualified and have the best interest of the tenants first
Anonymous said…
hello all who maybe following this blog site my source within UNH has not confirmed or will not confirm a address to a unit where management let someone reside by passing the system so for now it has to stay on the rumour side so i feel there is no more i can add for the time being and without someone currently or past employee of urban native homes willing to come forward and more tennants not willing to come forward we will have to live with the current management i will pop up here again if i get something of relevence so goodbye for now to my freinds here and a few out there yous know who yous are i want to thank you all bye for now
Angela Pugliese said…
No you contact the City Housing I will give the information privately never give up
Angela Pugliese said…
Today I saw people walking into Christine's office all dressed up hmmm wonder whats going on, maybe just wishful thinking, meanwhile are grounds are looking so disgusting and embarrassing I am so upset, our Port Lights are still not working it seems not to be major concern Management I think I have reached the point were I am going to start raising the bar on voicing my concerns
Angela Pugliese said…
I believe I had a discouraging day today :( if anyone is listening out there I have tried to reach out to all levels but I just feel no one really understands how serious things are, we may live in Affordable housing but I don't think that we as tenants should be treated like this, I hope someone out there is listening and steps up and we start working together as a group and start standing up for our rights
Anonymous said…
well i feel for you michelle this is a very complicated topic and i believe no one will do anything because of all the implications involved the city dissolved the board and fired the former executive director and went to the province to declare UNH a project in diffucutly and the CHMC was involved to because of mortgages taken out on UNH units and some units being sold off so you have 3 levels of government involved in the original UNH scandal they appoint christine lenze as acting director of UNH all knowing of her illecit criminal past just the missappropriation of funds for the new van which christine uses for her persnel use should be enough to warrant an investigation of UNH never mind what else has come up in this forum i believe they are affraid of opening a big can of worms and the public embaresement it will bring upon them so they will keep passing the buck until there is nothing left of UNH and quietly put in new management and new money rather than be held accontable im dareing one current or former employee to come out with the evidence to break the camels back come on show some balls not silence yous too are guilty of letting this go on
Anonymous said…
to all you people out there tenants current employess past employees who are sitting out there doing nothing but reading this blog who can contributre something here toni has bin working hard for a good number of years to hold UNH accountable michelle has tried to do her part and recently i have done my part to contribute here we cant and shouldnt be fighting this fight alone when people just sit back and let this go on and do nothing but whine and complain about the way things are at UNH yous are a big part of the problem too yous enable management instead of challengeing them and they will get away with it without consequence until yous stand up and join the fight?
Anonymous said…
well heres a good one christine has said to people that she had the board of directors permission to take the new van home with her it doesnt matter which way you slice the loaf it was wrong to purchase the new van and use it for your personel use while UNH was paying the costs for the van especially when they all ready had the old van you were useing for your personel use and in my oppinion the board doesnt have the power to give you the permission to use any of UNHS assets for your personel use its a dood excuse though got any more?
Tony King said…
If Urban Native Homes Inc. was a privately owned company then sure she could drive the van to the moon and nobody would give a shit. This is why we need a general meeting with UNH management and ALL tenants. Clear the air and answer the difficult questions. Invite the local news media and city hall politicians to a native ceremony before the meeting.
Tony King said…
Re: Anonymous - Thanks for the private message. This explains why there was a major staff meeting at KMHC about 10 days ago. :)
Angela Pugliese said…
It does explain, the City Housing came down to have a meeting, as I explained all concerns need to be voiced before a final decision is made, and there will be announce not sure the exact date but around 4 months, just reminder that Urban Native Homes occupies tenants that are aboriginal and non aboriginal, we need to be united on this
Angela Pugliese said…
The ultimate was the removal of the playground equipment I would like to know who inspected the equipment and made the decision it was unsafe, considering that us tenants are the ones that sent in a letter to the Acting Director about the levels being of the wood chip not being safe, not the equipment, what they did to our children we will never recover, can you imagine confused children asking parents why did they take our playground away, I will never understand this New Management its not about the Tenants anymore
Angela Pugliese said…
Sorry its about time Tenants stand up to this Management, there was a typing error

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