Well my friends nothing but drama going on around KMHC…an hour ago I got a visit from a police officer in regard to what happened yesterday afternoon. He asked if we could have a talk and could he come in, I said sure. The officer was pleasant and we had a good straight forward conversation. He said the HSC Ingrid Nosel feels intimidated by me so the officer suggested I don’t talk to her & the staff. According to what Ingrid said to the officer, KMHC staff feel intimidated by me as well as some tenants. I told the officer that’s a false statement because I’m friendly with the O.W. staff and the majority of my fellow tenants and I never sensed fear from any of them. Gosh! I received 15 Christmas cards & a few gifts from tenants in this building alone, does that seem like people are afraid or don't like me! Ingrid also said to the officer I loiter and harass the OW staff which is another false statement. I went inside the office once this month to ask H.O.W. Lynda Jones a question on a rent procedure which lasted about 1 minute and I left.
I described myself to the officer as opinionated and assertive and a non violent person. Most important I said to the officer Ingrid Nosel is dragging the staff and tenants into her personal vendetta, she also whined about this blog. The officer agreed with me when I said “If one doesn’t like what’s posted in my blog site they don’t have to read it” there is nothing the officer can do. *It's called free speech*
He asked if I'm going to post about him in my blog and I said probably...he then smiled. I sense the officer is trying to keep the peace and to be impartial. I asked the police officer if he would relay a message to Ingrid to get rid of the snarky attitude towards the tenants he said he would. We shook hands and the officer left.
Hey Bloggers read my very first Blog...and notice the similarity...things have not changed.
So there it is folks I was asked by the police not to communicate verbally with the staff and only by letter, even though this is not a court order nor a judgement from the landlord & tenant board I will comply with the officer's request.
It’s going to be awkward for the staff since my unit is next door but Hey! I rarely go into the
office and I don't care to talk to Ingrid so it doesn’t matter to me. There will be a scheduled meeting
with UNH’s board to discuss matters which I’m looking forward to.