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Native Christmas Dinner ll

This is my second review of the Christmas Community Dinner hosted by The Hamilton Native Centre. To start off a few weeks back there was a notice on the KMHC bulletin board about the event but there was no indication transportation would be available so I decided to ask HOW Charles, he would ask Ingrid and get back to me.  Since Urban Native Homes Inc. motto is "We Have No Money"  I figured Ingrid would pull a sleezy act by cancelling the transportation.  Finally after a week Charles got back to me, we can get a ride there and back.  Fellow tenant Deano and I decided to collect as much food as we can for the food drive also held at the dinner.  I'm pleased to announce we donated 3 large heavy boxes of food for the Native children who are  less fortunate. We arrived at the banquet hall as the volunteers were setting up and found good seats I didn't know if Deb the driver was going to leave or stay so I suggested she join us.
Many improvements at the dinner this year, they finally got the P.A. system working, they provided table service and to my surprise there was native drumming as we ate.
I invited my son Tony Jr and niece Lisa and her son Brody to join us at the feast they were late in arriving but I'm glad the kids showed up. :)  As I looked around the hall you wouldn't think there are so many Natives in Hamilton but there's alot of us running around.
Laughter, smiles and tears were at our table (Sandra was sobbing for some reason)  Our group were tenants Shirley, Sandra, Janis, I, Deb the driver and my family.  Deano took off to sit & eat with his Hunny-Bunny then later joined us.
Glitches - None that I noticed except the venue looks old and weather beaten, the food was good and I must compliment the young teen volunteers, their enthusiasm and willing to please was appreciated  
Poor Denise (Tenant) she's a trooper every time there's an event she tags along, the only problem she falls apart when she gets there. I was walking my niece out the door when I noticed Denise sitting on the steps. She said "Tony can you help me I can't get up" I helped her up then off she went.
As we drove back home from the hall I noticed the Christmas light display on many homes along Cannon really got me into the Christmas mood. 

A special thank you to The Hamilton Native Centre, you guys did good.   :)


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