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The End Is Here

Urban Native Homes Inc. will no longer exist.  Today and tomorrow Ciy of Hamilton/Ontario Aboriginal Housing Human Resources Dept. are interviewing UNH staff and other applicants in the community room.  Who will be rehired and who will be fired!  I just hope they choose wisely.

Tonight I heard Christine Lenze, her mother Ingrid Nosel and the rest of their family and friends has left UNH. This evening before I left for the gym I ran into receptionist Melissa Wissner in the hallway.   She was waiting for her job interview and had a message for me from former UNH caseworker Crystal Mackenzie.  Crystal wishes me good luck and it was a pleasure working with me.  I was surprised by the message and I wish her the best too. :)

My blog site has accomplished what I started out to do some years ago by publicly outing the mismanagement of Urban Native Homes Inc.  It's been a long arduous journey.
I would like to thank anonymous and the others for their contribution to this blog site.  Supportive followers and readers sharing their comments about UNH on other social media outlets was amazing.  As I said in a previous blog I'm very pleased we have a new Aboriginal Housing Provider in Hamilton.  :)

Have a good day

Author Tony King.


Anonymous said…
I think we should have a say as well Rachael sorry is the source of all my stress
Anonymous said…
You are the only one that apparently liked Crystal she was rude and ignorant to us
Tony King said…
.....It's not so much that we liked each other, it's more that we respected each other. When I first met her I set boundaries and she complied.
Anonymous said…
im hopeing there is a new begining for the tennants of the former unh and its new management to the tennants keep in mind that subsidized houseing is not a right its a privilidge so do the best to keep your units in good condition and respect the new management comeing in there are many people on the waiting list for affordable houseing so yous are lucky to have your units lets give the new management a chance im sure they will be better than the out going management and toni it was nice to have the chance to post on your blog site and the out come of your hard work is overwhelming take care my friend
Tony King said…
.....excellent message to all tenants and I hope one day we will meet. :)
Anonymous said…
Rachel must be good yay good by finally, they didn't even have the decency to say good bye so unprofessional, my unit is being inspected in too days by new management
Tony King said…
KMHC was inspected today. My unit was marked as 'in good condition'. :)
Tony King said…
It's official Lynda Jones will be dismissed after Thursday. I believe I had some influence on the decision to let her go. Some weeks ago I invited the H.R. dept to read these blog posts as part of their assessment which staff member stays or goes. Unfortunately Teresa Workman will also be gone. OAHS staff have already taken over the KMHC office.
Anonymous said…
sorry to hear terressa workman will not be with the new management she was a good employee at unh who was treated badly by christine lenze like many others were im hopein dr phil has bin rehired hes anther good long time employee make sure yous are getting all the severance pay yous are entitled too you can log on to www.severance pay calculator put in your info and it will tell you how much severence pay you are intitled to it is probally alot more than you have bin offered?
Tony King said…
Yesterday I saw Teresa Workman at the KMHC reception desk, I was about to say goodbye when she surprisingly announced she's been hired by OAHS. I jumped up and shouted congratulations I was so happy for her. What a great way to start the Easter Holiday. :)
Anonymous said…
Thats great news I wonder what her role will be, but I hope that Rachel is gone, and so is Lynda, Missy as well
Anonymous said…
Another thought lets hope they change contractors, Marty the Contractor nice people but not professional and never complete their work always having to return back to fix things
Tony King said…
......I agree they are like bumbling idiots. ie: I can fix that *ten mins later* Geez! Maybe I cant. LOL
Anonymous said…
congradulations miss workman you certainly deserve being hired on by new management alot of years with unh and a valuble employee indeed
Tony King said…
I see Luke Johns from the men's residence has arrived at the KMHC building. I assume he's been rehired as well. Good 4 him. :)
Anonymous said…
looks like the new management is getting a taste of old managements ineptness ive bin told the patch repair jobs on the roof at candlewood offices blew off in yesterdays high winds why old management never replaced the roofs up there is beyond me the roofs were patched over many times under old management they are the original shingles must be 25 or more years old going to be a big expenditure to have the roofs done at the candlewood complex?
Anonymous said…
omg finally someone sees the mess that has been going incompetent staff we fought long and hard and now things are finally getting done

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