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Showing posts from 2011

The Lone Wolf Has Left The Building.

Today we received sad news from the office that another tenant has passed away.  Eli has been a tenant here long before I arrived, he was never the type to hang out with the other tenants or participate in programs but who cares….he was still one of us (the tenant group) whenever I saw him at the entrance he would say hello.  Over the years I would see him walking around town minding his own business and I also remember he had a fiery temper back then. One time a big fat native guy approached him on the street to say hello and Eli told him to fuck off then walked away.  LOL This evening there will be no Christmas lights flashing from my apt due to Eli’s passing and I offer my condolences to Eli’s companion Shirley. Eli Anakons  RIP

KM – Tenant Christmas Turkey Luncheon

Today I set aside our differences and attended the Christmas celebration in the KM community room, the staff gave a good presentation and it was fun to hang out with my often zany fellow tenants.  I was in such a good mood I actually asked the Super if she and young Luke are joining us for the feast.  The food was phenomenal but I was disappointed that I bought kaiser buns instead of dinner rolls from the bakery..I didn't realize my error until after. Funny moments: when we saw staff member Lorraine whispering sweet nothings in Howard's ear I thought "get a room you two" and Thank Gawd I didn’t have to sit on Santa’s lap.  :)  This is my third turkey dinner celebration this season and I have two more to attend then I’m home free.  At our table I had the pleasure of sitting with tenants Deano, Miss Catherine, Deloris, staff member Charles and we welcomed the newbie tenants Deb and Peter. They’re having a post turkey dinner bingo game as I write this, I’m n...

Sugar Coated Reports

Yesterday I got a copy of The Minutes Report from the last tenant meeting.  Now I'm aware KM office has to produce written reports of what goes on around here…but let’s keep it real.  I would say it’s about 78.8% accurate. This happened before when former staff member Joseph held a tenant meeting. I suggest instead of appointing a staff member to type and record the proceedings in long-hand on a laptop, let's get an unbiased professional stenographer.  I decided not to attend the tenant meeting scheduled for today read my previous posts you’ll know why. Today there was a housekeeping letter delivered under my door with the usually mundane reminders.  There is one item that caught my eye “Turn off your Christmas lights when you leave your unit”.  I and another tenant are the ones who proudly displays Christmas lights so I'll assume that was aimed at us.  Well guess what!..I'm all for energy conservation but I'll decide when and if to turn off my energy s...

My Christmas Light Display

I look forward to the holiday season, I get to decorate my windows with flashing and glowing Christmas lights for all to see, I’ve been living at KM for a few years and it seems I’m the only tenant who goes all out during the festive season.  This building can be quite dreary during the holidays and I intend to brighten things up.  Across the street there is a nursing home and many times during the evening I can see the elderly folks peeking out their window staring at my Christmas light display and I hope it brings them some joy in their final years. So the next time you’re in the neighbourhood at night I wanna hear oooohs and awwws as you pass by my Christmas lights window display.  :)  LOL

Native Christmas Dinner

For the first time I decided to attend the Native Christmas dinner hosted by The Hamilton Regional Indian Centre.  The food was excellent, the staff and volunteers were very helpful and I enjoyed myself, I met some family members and saw a few former tenants that I like.  This was not a fancy affair the setting was similar to an informal dinner gathering.  The only criticism I have is they didn’t use the P.A. system it was hard to hear the young man who said a Native prayer before the meal and the MC had to shout to announce the door prize winning numbers.  KM tenant Teresa made a big basket of corsages to be handed out and there was five leftover so I politely asked if I could give one to a family member she said No!  I thought “Ok up yours, you grouchy old bag”. :P.   A special thank you to UNH's staff member Nancy...she offered her corsage which I gave to my family member.  :) Congratulations and a big applause to neighbors Shirley & El...

Arts & Crafts Christmas Extravaganza

Today I peeked in the community room to say hello to the troops and I see a small group of tenants have organized a Christmas arts & crafts fundraising event. You should see those aging busy little elves sewing, wrapping, cutting, shaping and decorating I was impressed. :)  I wish them luck on sales and I wonder if they get to keep all the proceeds or will KM demand a cut in the profits. Last summer's outside fundraising event was a flop it’s a shame there is no real plan in marketing and advertising these fundraisers. Someone (like myself) could be appointed to display and post flyers on the newly installed trading posts in the downtown area and with my connections in social media there’s a excellent possibility for a good turn out on this event.  Of course nobody has asked me…so we’ll see. Message for Lorraine posting the event on a few doors in the building is not going to cut it.  :P

Attawapiskat Chief Spence says department-appointed third-party manager booted from community | APTN National News

A cute little native child. Attawapiskat Chief Spence says department-appointed third-party manager booted from community | APTN National News After reading this article.......I see a red flag.

Catastrophe In Attawapiskat

This has relevance to my Native Housing blog on so many levels. Watching the National news I was appalled seeing the living conditions at Attawapiskat Reservation this is unacceptable and I feel for my fellow Natives in the north. As a child my father and I traveled to many reservations in northern Ontario visiting family and friends and I've never seen it this bad. I can recall walking down a gravel road to the lake to swim, using an outhouse, going to the well to get a pail of water, we all bunked up usually 4 children on a large bed, the house was well insulated plus no matter what there was food on the table.  Now this was many years ago and you would think living conditions on the Rez have improved, later as an adult when I drove to visit my father’s grave at Pickerel River Reserve I was impressed on the improvements in housing, that goes the same for Parry Island Reserve.  All this makes me wonder what happened at Attawapiskat how did they fall through the cracks a...

So Long Mr. Gerry Burning

Finally I got the chance to say goodbye in person to a staff member on their last day by shaking their hand and wishing a fond farewell.  UNH's has a strange policy where they inform tenants usually a day or two after a staff member has left the building and offer no explanation, no advance notice, no chance to say goodbye.  :( I would never work for a non profit organization like UNH's ...they offer minimum wage for outreach workers and yet they demand the highest qualifications. I also know staff cutbacks are in progress and they've been known to screw up on the payroll. Surprisingly unskilled laborers get paid more at temp agencies depending on the assignment.  I believe in full time employment, profit sharing, raises, job security, benefits and most important employees contributing to company growth.  There is no growth in a non-profit organization, like I said I would never work for a Mickey Mouse operation. :P

Annual Inspection 2011, Home Security & The Cops

Nothing to report on the inspection the Super replaced the heating unit filters and did the usual check for damage.  Being that I’m a borderline meticulous neat freak I keep my apt in ship-shape. :) The two employees who did the inspection were unknowingly used as guinea pigs to test out my stop-motion video camera and it captured everything.  Since the case of someone entering my apt/unit was never solved and my neighbor’s window kicked in I decided to hook-up home security.  Anybody that invades my space will be in deep trouble and if necessary I’ll go to the police.   Here is some trivia for staff and tenants: in urban society once you’re branded a "cop caller" there's a good chance you’ll be ostracized from the community.  The police are not babysitters we as Native adults should be able to resolve our own petty problems/disputes without involving the police unless for legitimate reasons. Ie: It still angers me when I think about what happened last y...

Urban Native Homes Inc. What Are You Thinking?

There is one issue at the tenant meeting that hit a nerve; The Super announced that during the annual inspection there will no longer clean and vacuum under the appliances.  Being that I’m a capable guy I can move and clean my own appliances but where does this leave the other tenants who are alone, older, sick, handicapped, frail or mentally challenged?  I feel bad for my fellow tenants these people don't have the money to hire a cleaning service to help. Mark my words this place will fall apart in a matter of years and next year the staff will be bitching at the tenants because the units are not sanitary and let's not forget cockroaches, silverfish and mice love to hide behind and under dirty appliances.  I suggest to avoid this from happening the Super and her assistant continue with the cleaning along with the inspection, she has the experience and knows how to move the fridge and stove efficiently and avoid any damage to the unit/apt.  So there you have it f...

Boring Tenant Meeting

When former employee Denise M. informed me the office doesn’t like me to eat their food I thought "K-M can shove the food up their ass". At the last moment I decided I'm going to attend the tenant meeting I showed up just as it was about to begin and I brought my own coffee. The meeting started off with a glitch there were papers being shuffled about and the tenants didn’t know what was what.  Soon after Lorraine B. began by asking if we had questions about the previous meeting, if course nobody said a word who gives a shit what was said 3 months ago. The Super did a good presentation in regards to maintenance and was willing to answer all questions and the olde gal was demoted to record the proceedings. What was on the agenda you ask?  For me there was nothing of real importance or interest with the exception of sport tickets that may be available from time to time.  Lorraine B. went on about about rules and don’t do this and don’t touch that and don't look th...

Random Thoughts

Remember I complained that the building perimeter security lights were turned off?  Well guess what, soon after UNH’s finally turned them back on then recently we had an act of vandalism outside. So thanks to my rant they were able to see the culprit on tape.  *Basks in the glory*  ;) Once again I did some community service by helping the seniors in the building, recently the lovely Carla needed help delivering a bed frame and dresser from the store to her unit and I also helped Spencer rearrange his furniture.  Ha! I’d like to see UNH’s staff top that. :P There are three ways to exit this place: In a pine box. Be shamefully evicted. Give 30 days notice and walk out with dignity. I choose #3.  Speaking of leaving two more tenants have given notice and moving out they’ve had enough monkey business and I couldn’t be happier for them. Why is it the good ones leave first? :( God bless the Super - when she's working in a unit and ...

The Director Of Urban Native Homes Inc.

Urban Native Homes Inc. Director Last year when I met this woman in the community room I respectfully greeted her as Ms. Lewis and she freaked out I couldn't believe it Chad and Cheryl were also in the room which made it a awkward moment. Where I come from when one doesn’t know the woman’s marital status you address them as "Ms."  I don't know what was wrong with her so I thought “It's probably PMS ” so from that point on whenever I ran into her I addressed her as Mrs. Deeley.  We don’t see the Director around here very often she keeps her distance from the tenants and the building plus ever since I sent her an invite to this blog website 6 months ago she avoids me.  I assume she’s pissed off and doesn't like Koo Gaa Da Win Manitou Housing Complex to be scrutinized.  In retaliation she made up a fake profile aka Travestybrant then sent me numerous vulgar messages. Ha! She made so many slip ups in her writings and insults I soon figured out who she was....

Tribute To Bob and His Late Sister Loretta

Sadly former tenant Loretta passed away some time ago, a sweet woman with a heart of gold.  I remember every time we met in the hallway she would shout “Quick! Call the office this guy is too young to be living here”. LOL  The last time I saw her we sat in the front bench for a while we talked about her illness and showed me the staples in her abdomen. She was determined to fight this thing by getting Vitamin D from the sunshine.  I never thought she would be gone within a few weeks.  RIP Miss Loretta. :( Bob – What a character you either like or loathe the man, he’s ill mannered, a hothead, doesn’t sugar coat his opinions and couldn't care less what people think of him.  He’s had many disagreements with other tenants and staff but regardless him & I get along well and I do respect the man.  Recently he told me he’s moving out, he found a better apt and he couldn't be happier to get the hell out of here and start a new journey in his l...

Community Room Wallpaper

Recently I peeked into the community room to say hello to the troops and I noticed pages on the wall in very large print about "trolls" which is an internet slang.  There are only a few tenants that use the internet in the community room, they play simple online games or do basic search for information or check their e-mail.  Who gives a shit about trolls?  When are you people in the KM office going to start using your brains?  If you're going to post information about the internet then start up an in-house teaching program ie: “Fundamental internet course for beginners and install software for typing lessons” would be a excellent idea.  Just so you readers understand a majority of tenants at KM are computer illiterate and the others would rather go to the public library it's free and far better equipment. Recently I was approached by one tenant and asked if I would teach how to open up an e-mail account because the person wants to keep in touch with family ...

Happy Halloween

The Super on the way to her secret fishing spot. :) Ingrid greets Janis before a meeting. :D Me after a KM tenant meeting.  LOL

The KMHC Building

Some of you readers are wondering what this place looks like inside. The previous owners ran a printing shop and over the years I would pass by around 4 pm and see the employees coming out from the basement and I think the offices were on the second floor.  I’m a fan of old building architecture what caught my eye about this place is the stone engraved name at the top of the entrance. Unfortunately there is no lobby or foyer in this joint once you walk in you’re at the stairway so there’s no real space for tenants to sit & relax especially during the cold weather season. I mentioned this building is old and believe me it has aches and pains ie: roof leaking, basement flooding, pipes bursting and I notice some cracks and concrete holes around the old building exterior.  Even though the super is "strange" I will admit she does an adequate job in maintenance.  My apt/unit has a pillar in the middle of the room so I don’t think the building will collapse on me, mind yo...

Love Thy Neighbour

.......Remember I said those words in my original blog?  Well something happened a while ago that surprised me I was approached by my little neighbour and she asked “if we could talk”…..I said ok.  Her intention was to make peace and I being a reasonable person agreed.  We don’t have to necessarily hang out with each other on a daily basis but at least be neighbourly and say hello when we pass each other in the building.  Cool Huh! And a good luck to my neighbor above me, he's going through a rough time with his health at the moment. For years I've seen him around town always walking somewhere and keeping to himself.  Now back to business, my rent has been paid on time for many months so here's my concern to UNH Inc. for the past month the building security lighting system is shut off?  Harvey the previous tenant who lived in my unit told me he was burglarized and the thieves walked out the front door with his belongings, so by trying to save a few bu...

Illegally Entering My Unit/Apt.

This afternoon someone entered my unit/apt between 4-5 pm.  I stepped out for 45 mins I came home and noticed my computer security unlock page was up and on screen, I programmed my pc to power down after a very short period on screensaver mode and without my intricate password no one can enter my computer. When I entered my unit/apt my computer should have been in sleep mode and the monitor off. This is an attempted act of sabotage and according to my calculations the entry happened approx 4:40 pm. the only ones that have a spare key to my unit are in the KM office. An Illegal entry happened once before just after I moved in, I came home and noticed my lounge chair was moved I asked the superintendent and she admitted she went in to check the pipes. I was so pissed off and the next day got an apology from Mr. Pelletier who was the Housing Service Coordinator at that time and he assured me it would never happen again. This is very unnerving, looks like I'll have to beef up my...

Thanksgiving Pot Luck Luncheon 2011

This morning I woke up late and rushed to the bakery to pick up 18 fresh Portuguese dinner rolls for the function as you may recall my last attempt to cook turned out terribly so I played it safe this time. ;) The function was a triumph Chad and Lorraine did an excellent job as servers, Mrs. Deeley did good on the opening introductions but you really should replace your missing back teeth it shows when you smile.  And it was a pleasure to finally meet and dine with the infamous Mr. Walter Cook, I’ve heard great things about this man.   Urban Native Homes staff were invited some I recognize ie: the sassy Tammy Trudeau showed up and jokingly said she's there to eat and run and then there's Tracy the receptionist some time ago I gave her an Indian name *Grandmother Of Seven*  :) and I also had the pleasure of sitting beside the lovely soft spoken Nancy.  I have to admit it was nice to see young faces at our function, no wrinkles, no grey hair and nothing sagg...

A Tribute To George Neil Day

Neil & I  This morning I got a phone call from Bonnie in regards to tenant Neil Day he was a neighbor of mine, she had some sad news to tell me....he passed away. :( Whenever I ran into him in the hallway he'd always have a smile and a friendly greeting.  Last year we went to the Pow Wow at Gage Park I would offer to carry his big heavy trunk filled with his Native dancing costumes he was thankful and was very proud of his possessions. During this time he was battling his demons and injured himself so many times that he was eventually transferred to a care center. Even though for some time he wasn't living here his belongings were still in his unit and he was paying his rent.  Last week was the last time I personally talked to him he wanted to know if I was interested in buying his sound system and his bike plus he was looking forward to moving back to his unit, I said " Neil you're looking good've gained some weight, must be all the fry bread th...

Food And The Community Room’s a great way for people to interact, socialize and have a good time, when the European settlers came to North America they were offered food from the Natives not expecting anything in return, a sign of our great ancient hospitality. :) Boy! Times have changed since way back then today I was privately informed by a staff member when KM provide snacks or light meals to the tenants they must fully participate in all programs ie: bingo, seminars and meetings or they will be banned from future events. I can recall many times during a program some tenants will walk out either because they are bored or too tired to sit any longer.  Gawd! Even the person who gave me the news knew this was lame, I mean all this fuss over a couple of sandwich wraps.  :P I'm totally ashamed how the elderly natives are treated in this place.....a majority of tenants are on a fixed income barely making ends meet, I believe when a non profit organization offers to feed a group of tenants it...

Embarrassing & Funny Moments

Normally I don’t screw up but today it had to happen. A family member came for a visit and I decided to cook steaks for dinner we were so busy catching up on family news the steaks burned in the oven and it set off the smoke alarm. You’ll be happy to know my smoke alarm works perfectly.  Ha! It was funny watching the staff running around wondering what in the hell is going on and wouldn’t you know it Mrs. Deeley the Urban Native Homes Director was in the building.  I called in Charles the outreach worker to explain what happened I apologized and he was a good sport about it.  This was most embarrassing and will I cook again for visitors?…No way, it’s take-out from now on. ;) Since this topic is about funny and embarrassing moments at KM I have to mention the laundry room - aside from us tenants using it for laundry purposes the staff seem to use it for a place of solitude.  I remember one time last winter Ingrid came out of the office she was adjusting her partia...

The Recycling Room

This morning I got a “Attention All Tenants” letter delivered under my door in regards to the recycling room, it seems we have a tenant who’s not familiar on how to get rid of their trash.  Personally I rarely use the recycling room I’ve been here for almost 2 years and I have my own waste management system. I do have a beef - I don’t appreciate getting a note typed in large bold letters demanding we do this and we do that, then describing the contents of what was found “ Animal or human feces and a pair of bloodied pants ” etc is something I don’t need to know.  I can understand the male employee who cleaned up the mess was pissed off but come on people let’s use discretion in these matters.  You have cameras monitoring the hallways do a private investigation, use this equipment to find the culprit and perhaps fine the person and better still try educating them on how to recycle.  An open letter delivered to tenants will only cause finger pointing and start the r...

I'm Such A Nice Guy. :)

Yeah I know what you’re thinking but it’s true. I pitch in by doing some community work around this building.  After getting the tenants permission I recently washed the outside windows for unit 1-A and 1-B and my own unit and I trimmed the grass area in front of my main window. I’ve done this task many times this year and last year. I get compliments from the other tenants and some tease me into washing their windows the only problem is I'd need a ladder because they're all above ground level and I'm afraid of heights.  LOL I take pride in where I live, I can’t stand dirty windows or an unkempt lawn and my unit is always tidy.  Today one tenant who has a physical disability asked me to do some grocery shopping for him “No problem” I said. I then walked all the way to Food Basics on Barton Street to fetch some vittles for a fellow tenant.  not bad eh!  :) You know with all the shit that goes on around here I‘m glad I can still say… I do care. ♫ Happy Days ...

Breakfast With The Olde Folks

Today the staff hosted a Grandparents breakfast feast and bingo celebration. I have to admit the food presentation was excellent and as usual the outreach workers and program coordinator did a good job in making the tenants feel comfortable and welcome. I was fortunate to be sitting with some of the more likable tenants, we all had a great conversation going on.....when... Holy Moses! Out of the blue someone at the other end of table just had to make snide and threatening remarks.  I couldn't help thinking "who pissed in his corn flakes?" lol   Anyway Charles calmed the situation and we continued on with our breakfast. All in all it was an interesting morning. I didn't stick around for the bingo game...I'm not a fan of bingo but later I heard laughter and horsing around from the community room so I know the tenants had a good time. Congratulations to my fellow neighbor Deano he won a $25,000 gift card at the bingo game...Ooops! sorry I meant $25 gift card. ;) ...

Two For One

There was a slight altercation in the courtyard this afternoon so I decided to test an outreach worker on their ability to trouble shoot and problem solve.  I asked to speak to one privately, we were in the office in the middle of a conversation then suddenly Cheryl the office worker walks in and sits down.  I’m strict on privacy so I politely asked if she would excuse us and she said NO. I gave her stern look and said “What!”  Then Lorraine the outreach worker explained there has to be another employee in the room during discussions.  I thought why Cheryl....the woman has a cold demeanor. Now when I request a private conversation with an outreach worker or anybody else for that matter I don’t expect a third-party.  Lorraine should have said something before we even started talking in which case I would have said forget it.  Urban Native Homes Inc. read this and read it well. Your policies Suck! :P   Will I use the KM outreach services again?…...


Just to be on the safe side and to cover my ass I recently decided to get professional advice from the law firm of  Wyatt, Purcell, Stillman, Shaughnessy & Embree LLP   in regards to my Native Housing blogs.  After the lawyer read Elizabeth Repchuck's letter and my posted response. He said I'm doing nothing illegal as long as I continue to post the truth and be honest in my opinions.  The truth is a valuable tool in the court of law.  :)   Truth and the Internet By Vinton G. Cerf Truth is a powerful solvent. Stone walls melt before its relentless might. The Internet is one of the most powerful agents of freedom. It exposes truth to those who wish to see it. It is no wonder that some governments and organizations fear the Internet and its ability to make the truth known.

Holy Smoke! Tony To The Rescue

Today in the wee hours of this morning as I was sleeping I heard my neighbor’s smoke alarm go off, I thought this is odd so I got dressed and peeked out into the hallway then I  smelled smoke. I waited for a second then I decided to knock on the tenant’s door to see if she’s alright.  She opened the door and she had a look of confusion and fear. My experience in security and emergency procedures kicked in and I asked if I could enter she said yes. I looked around and saw a pot on the stove, smoke was billowing from the pot and the burner was on full blast. I rushed over to the stove, turned off the burner and switched the exhaust fan to high I then got a towel and put the pot in the sink.  The unit was full of smoke and it was hard to breathe and I yelled out I’m going to open the all the windows to get the smoke out and to hopefully shut the smoke alarm off.  Once all the windows were open I started fanning the room with a magazine, soon after the alarm automaticall...

A Futile Attempt At Intimidation

Well my friends today I received a harsh letter from a Elizabeth Repchuck of Gain HR on behalf of Urban Native Homes Inc. requesting I stop posting comments on this blog site in regards to Koo Gaa Da Win Manitou Housing Complex.  Just so everybody knows the company Gain HR is not a law firm nor is Elizabeth Repchuck a lawyer. This site “Native Housing” was originally created as a form to semi privately vent my frustrations and to express my compliments and complaints about the place I reside.  Before this site was created I’ve sent many complaint and concern e-mails to the Director of Urban Native Homes Inc. and never got a response back. Up yours Elizabeth Repchuck! I’m exercising my right under the Constitutional law of Canada “The Freedom of Expression Act” Section 2(b) of the Charter states that "Everyone has the following fundamental freedoms: ... freedom of thought, belief, opinion and expression. If your client can’t handle hard criticism and sarcastic humor then...

Put Up Your Dukes.

I’ve heard many arguments as well as bitching and whining among the Koo Ga Da Win Mantou female tenants yet not so much from the men.  We seem more complacent and laid back, or at least that’s what I thought. *snickers* ;) A few days ago on a rather hot humid sunny afternoon three of us guys were sitting in the front bench area shooting the breeze until one topic came up about the Postal workers. All of a sudden the conversation became heated…one was arguing how great they are and the other saying they’re a bunch of lazy bastards. Cheryl Trudeau was also there puffing her brains out (she was on her cigarette break). So here we have it folks I’m standing nearby trying to calm down these two men. One guy threatened physical violence while the other guy shouted out profanity.  It was INSANE and I thought fuck this…I’m going to my unit and since Cheryl is on the payroll let her handle it. :P It’s funny, these two stubborn men will not be talking to each other for a while over ...

Keep Your Paws Off The Computers.

Wow….Koo Ga Da Win Manitou Housing Complex has reached another all time low my friends. There’s a anonymous note posted on the bulletin board saying those tenants who have a computer are NOT allowed to use the computers in the community room and no explanation why. There a few things wrong here, first of all what if a tenant has limited or no internet access or their computer is not working. Should they be banned?  I say no. These old model Dell computers were donated by the good citizens of Hamilton and I'm sure they would be surprised to know how they are being managed. The community room and it’s facilities should be open to all tenants regardless if they have use of a Desktop, Laptop, iPad or Blackberry. For once I would like to see a rule posted from the office that made sense. :P Update Oct 1/2011  Since this rule has come in place I notice there are only a few regular tenants using the computers and what are they doing you ask?  playing poker games lol...the...

Denise and the New Outreach Workers

IMO Denise Maracle is Koo Gaa Da Win Manitou’s best employee. She’s been here for awhile and does a good job on what limited resources are available plus is an awesome and inspirational person to talk to.  If UNH gave out awards/plaques for best employee of the year Denise would have my vote. :) Now on to the outreach newbies.:)  Lorraine Brown has a sparkling personality and I got the impression she’s there to help and it’s not “just a job”. Charles Jacobs…is the baby in the building…..yep I kid you not…he’s younger then us tenants. lol.  That being said he’s a joyful person always laughing with the group and helpful and supportive. OMG! With all this sweet praise I’m dishing out on this post you'd expect to get a toothache. Eh? :D Seriously I'm concerned….I’ve seen some great staff come on board then one day they’re gone, maybe they got fed up with the HSC 's asinine policies and quit or they were thrown under the bus.

Ingrid Nosel

Hello readers, It’s been over a month since my last post. I’ll bet you thought there’s peace and harmony in the land of Koo Gaa Da Win Manitou eh?  Well not really. The topic today is about Ingrid Nosel, the housing coordinating ***** (a meaningless job title). A few weeks ago I gave her a call, we had a heated discussion over a request I handed in to the office last month. What were the results of my application you ask?. Nothing…zippo..a big fat zero.  Not even a letter of explanation on the progress of my request. I’m totally disappointed in her lack of action.  I suppose I shouldn't be surprised, ie: one time she said to me. "We take complaints as a grain of salt" in other words "Don't bother us if you have a dispute we don't give a shit"  :( Here we have a woman who sits in a small dark dusty basement office all day long, never comes out and mingles with the tenants. She has a spy camera monitor in her office…Hmm I wonder if she can get the...

Easter Dinner

We had a tenant/staff Easter dinner a few days ago. it was the first time I really had a good time interacting with my fellow tenants. And I made potato salad for the gang. :) Ingrid was there so this gave me the opportunity to ask her a question, whenever there's a function going on why do they take pictures of us without our permission, Are we being exploited?  Used for propaganda?. All of a sudden her face got serious and she replied they are shown to the supporters of UNH's and if we don't want photos taken we have to ask.  I was taken back by her response, where I come from people ask permission first. :P

Tenant Meeting for April 13/2011

Well folks at the last minute we got a note under the door the tenant meeting was cancelled due to Ingrid being sick, but we went ahead with the pot luck luncheon.  I had a good time...finally we all got the chance to chit chat with the new outreach workers, I must say they both have potential.  Jan Porter & I have a private chat the day before and talked out a few issues.  I didn't want to attend the meeting with a chip on my shoulder and possibly freak out in public. :P  Out of all tenants in the building only 6 (including myself) showed up for the meeting.  There are many reasons why this happened, but I'm going to save that post for another day.

Update from my previous post

I was at the library today and I ran into the guy who lives in 1A.  I asked politely what happened Saturday morning at 4:30am and he replied he girlfriend woke up and had a panic attack and was freaking out. she ran out the hallway and pulled the fire alarm in hopes of calling for help. In hindsight he realizes he should have done more to calm her down.  I told him there will be complaints from other tenants about what happened and it would be a good idea to explain his side of the story to Ingrid.  Personally I don't have a problem with the man, he seems genuine.

False Alarm

This morning around 5am I was woken up by the fire alarm. So I peeked out my door viewer and saw a couple arguing. Seems my neighbor at the end of the hall kicked his woman out of his unit so she pulled the fire alarm to piss him off. Guess what happens next..Debbie (the neighbor next to me) comes barreling around the corner and starts yelling at the woman and threatens violence if she doesn't leave the building. (This is the second time I've seen Debbie freak out at people in the hall.) *shakes head*. Debbie a word of caution, why put yourself at risk of being are in no condition to defend yourself, back off and keep your mouth shut. Luke the Cleaner-  this young man handled the emergency perfectly, he quickly showed up to reset the fire alarm and made sure everything was secure.

The Bored Meeting on March 22/2011

.......Yep that was not a spelling actually was a boring and awkward event. I was looking forward to talking to the board members as a group but it never happened. It was totally disorganized I arrived at 5 pm there was no food or drinks available and we sat around for almost 1/2 hour wondering where is the director. I felt like leaving and start my own dinner. (I was hungry) Eventually the food was delivered and Janis the director arrived soon after (45 mins late)....the food was ok but not great, I chatted with some tenants and said hello to a few board members. They had a local country band scheduled to perform but I left after dinner. Too bad though..I worked 2 days on a presentation to the board members on issues I felt are important.  Ohh Well maybe next time. :(

Looking for Chad

Last Thursday I came home around 4.45 pm and I saw a woman sitting in the basement hallway I could tell she was not all there and she asked for Chad saying he was to drive her somewhere.  Chad! he's the transportation driver for UNH's. I checked the office and it was closed. I told her this and she left. That was strange to say the least. Update Oct/2011 I forgot all about this post, anyway I figured out who the mystery woman is....It was Deloris...mind you this is before she moved in, at the time I had no clue she's his relative. 

Tenants & bickering

On Saturday afternoon I saw a rarity in the building...I was entering my building floor and I walked into a cat fight. Marion (a tenant) had her family in the community room for a get together.  When another tenant (Bonnie) on her way to do her laundry asked a guest if there was a presentation going on, the guest was rude in her response. So here we go....that lead to a shouting match, then eventually Marion got into it with Bonnie uttering denial and threats and calling on Jan. What brings the question what would Jan do? Anyway I calmed down Bonnie and told her to ignore it and move on. Such fun living in the land of Koo Gaa Da Win.

So long Mr. Antone

Today I got a note under the door from the office saying Joesph Antone is not longer a employee with Urban Native Homes.  I was surprised about the news...I figured he would take over Ingrid's job when she retires.  Mind you I had a suspicion he may have been stoned a few times while to work, I saw the signs. I can't prove my claim but I would say 90% true.  UNH's is a strange organization.. Anyway we have a new girl Lorraine Brown taking over his duties..will she stick around or be thrown under the bus....God only knows. 

A misunderstanding?

In response to my previous post Today I asked Joesph from the office why my granddaughter was harassed when she came to the building looking for me (I was pissed) He said Jan the superintendent questioned her first on why was she here, something Jan shouldn't have done. In my opinion Jan has a attitude problem, she thinks she owns the building and can say whatever she wants to tenants and guests. Sorry doesn't work that way. :(

Harassing guests

Over the holidays I invited my granddaughter to drop by for a visit whenever she's downtown.  Well I got a email over the weekend that she was at the building last week. Apparently I was not home at the time. she pressed the right unit buzzer # but no answer.  Suddenly Joesph Antone the office worker appears at the front door and for some reason starts asking her. "Who are you, what do you want and who are you looking for?". What gives him the right to question my guest, she came looking for me not him and to top it off he never mentioned a word that she was at the building looking for me.  I'm upset about this and I want an explanation.