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Random Thoughts

Remember I complained that the building perimeter security lights were turned off?  Well guess what, soon after UNH’s finally turned them back on then recently we had an act of vandalism outside. So thanks to my rant they were able to see the culprit on tape.  *Basks in the glory*  ;)
Once again I did some community service by helping the seniors in the building, recently the lovely Carla needed help delivering a bed frame and dresser from the store to her unit and I also helped Spencer rearrange his furniture.  Ha! I’d like to see UNH’s staff top that. :P

There are three ways to exit this place:

  1. In a pine box.
  2. Be shamefully evicted.
  3. Give 30 days notice and walk out with dignity.
I choose #3.  Speaking of leaving two more tenants have given notice and moving out they’ve had enough monkey business and I couldn’t be happier for them. Why is it the good ones leave first? :(

God bless the Super - when she's working in a unit and in her own little world she plays the strangest music...reminds me of drunken Indians singing songs around a campfire. LOL

 WOW!  191 pageviews in one day :)....UNH's you better behave the world is watching.

Nov 16, 2011  2:30 pm
To staff member Mr. General - next time you get the urge to use the intercom at 7:10 am make sure you pay attention and press the correct tenant buzzer number.  There is nothing worse in this world then a grumpy Mr. King being woken up from a good sleep. *Snarls*


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