When former employee Denise M. informed me the office doesn’t like me to eat their food I thought "K-M can shove the food up their ass". At the last moment I decided I'm going to attend the tenant meeting I showed up just as it was about to begin and I brought my own coffee. The meeting started off with a glitch there were papers being shuffled about and the tenants didn’t know what was what. Soon after Lorraine B. began by asking if we had questions about the previous meeting, if course nobody said a word who gives a shit what was said 3 months ago.
The Super did a good presentation in regards to maintenance and
was willing to answer all questions and the olde gal was demoted to record the
What was on the agenda you ask? For me there was nothing of real importance or interest with the exception of sport tickets that may be available from
time to time. Lorraine B. went on about about rules and don’t do this and don’t touch
that and don't look there and we’re watching you etc. *Rolls Eyes*
I cornered her on a few questions where she
just looked at me like a deer staring at car headlights. I swear UNH’s you’re making this woman anal retentive.
Like Holy Moses said "It's the same old shit every meeting and nothing ever changes" and he's been a tenant 4 years. Which reminds me when I first arrived here Ingrid said at our interview "it's mandatory that all show up for tenant meetings" I later questioned this rule I examined my lease and handbook, I asked around and no such rule exists. BUSTED! See Ingrid this is what happens when you bullshit.
Like Holy Moses said "It's the same old shit every meeting and nothing ever changes" and he's been a tenant 4 years. Which reminds me when I first arrived here Ingrid said at our interview "it's mandatory that all show up for tenant meetings" I later questioned this rule I examined my lease and handbook, I asked around and no such rule exists. BUSTED! See Ingrid this is what happens when you bullshit.
The tenants - You gotta love these people most don’t take the meeting seriously and are only there
for the food. LOL
*High Fives* to Mr. Gerry B. he’s an easy going outreach worker who's always ready to talk about the native ways, it’s too bad he’s here for a short time.
The best part of the meeting was at the end, this is when I
helped myself to what was left on the food table, mind you the food was cold. You wait…I’ll be getting a letter under my
door from the office
complaining I ate the food they bought at the day old section at Food Basics. :P