Recently I peeked into the community room to say hello to
the troops and I noticed pages on the wall in very large print about "trolls" which is an internet slang.
There are only a few tenants that use the internet in the
community room, they play simple online games or do basic search for
information or check their e-mail. Who gives a shit about trolls? When are you people in the KM office going to start using your brains?
If you're going to post information about the internet then start up an
in-house teaching program ie: “Fundamental internet course for beginners and install software for typing lessons” would be a excellent idea. Just so you readers
understand a majority of tenants at KM are computer illiterate and the others
would rather go to the public library it's free and far better equipment.
Recently I was approached by one tenant and asked if I would
teach how to open up an e-mail account because the person wants to keep in
touch with family and friends. I had to turn the request down due to the rule any tenant who has a pc in their unit/apt are banned from using the computers in the community room. When I first read this rule I thought "you gotta be kidding me" :P
Incidentally I’m aware the troll thing is aimed at me and I
and the rest of the tenants couldn’t care less, it’s just another cheap shot
from Urban Native Homes Inc in regard to this awesome and informative blog site. It's time for Janis and Ingrid to grow up and stop acting like bitches if I
were a financial supporter or influential guest walking in the community room
and seeing that crap on the wall I would not be impressed.