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Native Christmas Dinner

For the first time I decided to attend the Native Christmas dinner hosted by The Hamilton Regional Indian Centre.  The food was excellent, the staff and volunteers were very helpful and I enjoyed myself, I met some family members and saw a few former tenants that I like.  This was not a fancy affair the setting was similar to an informal dinner gathering.  The only criticism I have is they didn’t use the P.A. system it was hard to hear the young man who said a Native prayer before the meal and the MC had to shout to announce the door prize winning numbers.  KM tenant Teresa made a big basket of corsages to be handed out and there was five leftover so I politely asked if I could give one to a family member she said No!  I thought “Ok up yours, you grouchy old bag”. :P.   A special thank you to UNH's staff member Nancy...she offered her corsage which I gave to my family member.  :)
Congratulations and a big applause to neighbors Shirley & Eli…they won the 50/50 draw.  :)  Elie is going though a rough time with his illness, watching him collect his prize $$ put a smile on his face. 
I rarely interact with Chad the UNH’s transportation guy but I have to say in a social gathering he's a pleasant person to talk to and he did ok making sure we made it to the event and back in one piece.


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