Can UNH’s please give us a break on these inspections! Last night the KMHC office posted a fire alarm
inspection follow up. Instead of “follow
up” it should be titled “fuck up”. A barrel of monkeys could run this place
better. As far as I’m concerned the last fire alarm
inspection a few weeks ago went without a glitch so why are we being inconvenienced? Today we’ll have to endure
sirens being tested and like last time plain clothed fire inspectors wandering
in our units. Due to the extreme cold
weather I’m finally recovering from a major cold and not in the mood for these interruptions.
This morning I sent a fax to the UNH’s Director here is an
UNH’s Director.
This evening I see an unsigned “24
hour Notice of Entry” is posted on the KMHC bulletin board stating a unit fire
alarm inspection follow up is scheduled for February 19 between the hours of 12
noon – 8:30 pm. I will remind you we had
a complete building and unit fire alarm inspection on January 29, 2015. I was present and noticed everything was
tested clear on my floor and unit, including the emergency lights and sirens in
the hallways, the fire alarm siren that is linked to my apt plus the wall unit.
These are in excellent working condition so another unit inspection is
unnecessary. Please pass this
information on to your precious HSC Ingrid that repetitive inspections are
costly, a waste of time, intrusive and annoying to the tenant. Let’s hope the KMHC office staff can get it
right this time.
Re: 24 hour notices: According to the Landlord and Tenant
act: the landlord must include reason, date and exact time of entry. No exceptions unless agreed with the
tenant. I know tenants who live in high
rise buildings in Hamilton Ontario and always the 24 hour notice is
posted in a common area, a copy is delivered to each unit, includes an employee
signature, reason, date and expected time of entry. It’s a practice UNH’s / KMHC staff should follow.
This Fax is sent to you as per Dale Skvereckas instruction
Thank you.
Tony King
Hey readers I'll try to be humorous on my next blog, thinking up jokes and how I can poke fun at the staff will be fun. Satire is something I'm good at. :)