The image you see above is a photocopy. There is no signature from the housing outreach workers or the housing service coordinator Ingrid because they don't want to be held accountable. But observe the UNH's logo on the top left corner this will confirm its authenticity.
Remember in January I received a letter stating I'm banned from HOW programs and my reaction was similar to "I don't give a shit!" Well folks judging by the note that is posted on the bulletin boards this afternoon the KMHC office staff are up to their old tricks by closing down the recreational room for reasons unknown and the KMHC tenants are left in the dark. This means no computer access for tenants who use it, no watching the big screen TV, no arts & crafts or sewing circle and no area for tenants to socialize in the KMHC building. I really don't understand UNH's logic, seems like it's a tactic for tenants to feel unwelcome and move out. I feel sorry for the Native elders who use the community room on a regular basis, during the extreme cold weather conditions there is not much the elders can do but sit in their unit. I consider HOW Lynda Jones a useless Hobbit for not standing up for the tenants, surly she can see this is not a good idea or perhaps she's too afraid of being thrown under the bus by HSC Ingrid if she speaks out.
It's time for the KMHC tenants to stop complaining among themselves when something is wrong and really make a difference by implementing a form of action. UNH's discontinued the tenant meeting because they don't want to hear our voices. I say: send a letter of protest to the UNH's Director if she won't listen there is always the news media. United We Stand Strong!
Positive news - Thanks to little Debbie for the delicious banana nut cakes, it was a nice surprise. :)
Here's a scoop: for weeks the UNH's website is down and offline. I wonder who or what they are hiding from. :P