Yesterday our neighbours the H.P.S. held an outdoor Open
House event in the parking lot across from the C.S. I was surprised what was on display, armored vehicles,
cruisers, motorcycles, the marine and canine units, information booths, fire
trucks and plenty of friendly police officers. Many visitors showed up
especially children. Free food and
give-a-ways were offered to all.
I didn’t have time to hang around long but I did see Hamilton journalist/reporter Joey Coleman taping the event. As I walked from the KMHC building
I noticed a few Native Elders sitting in the courtyard so I stopped by to say
hello and to get an update on what’s happening across the street. It was good
to see tenant and native Elder Howie and the rest of the guys sitting outside
enjoying the weather. Just as I was
about the leave the courtyard Hamilton Mayor Bob Bratina walked by and Howie
flagged him down. The Mayor and his wife came over and said hello. I had a nice
little chat with the Mayor’s wife then off they went. I was impressed they took
the time to talk to our little group. The
H.P.S. couldn’t pick a better day for their event the sun was shining, plenty
of smiling children. It was good P.R. for the H.P.S. And where was the KMHC staff during all this!...they were hiding in their isolated dusty basement office. :P
Like I said earlier I had to leave and meet a friend for lunch at Jackson
Square Mall. Later walking home I was
surprised and glad to see former UNH’s employee Lorraine Brown and her co
worker on their lunch break, out of respect I won’t reveal her place of employment.
It was a nice greeting I was expecting a
hand shake but instead I got a big hug from Ms. Brown. We had a short chat then off I went. Last thing she said to me. “Keep blogging Tony
you’re doing good”. :)
One thing comes to mind in regard to the H.P.S. more then
once during previous tenant meetings in a stern voice HSC Ingrid Nosel would
remind the tenants UNH’s work closely with the police! I should have questioned her on what that
meant. Are tenants who are shy and timid supposed to feel intimidated and fearful? It’s a terrible tactic Ingrid.
Yesterday the H.P.S. were trying to build open communication
and a good public image with the citizens of Hamilton and I think they are achieving their
goal. It’s people like Ingrid Nosel who
give the police services a bad name.