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Tolerance & Understanding

Today KMHC tenants received a general unsigned notice warning tenants of harassment to UNH’s workers.  I have no idea why the note was slipped under my door, the main issue seems to be phone calls to the office filled with profanity and verbal abuse to the office staff. 
UNH’s claim they provide safe housing and supportive services.  If this is true then why would they be getting irate phone calls from tenants.  The truth here folks UNH’s doesn't like confrontation or complaints from tenants. In order to suppress native elders they use intimidation and fear by threatening to call the cops or file an N5 eviction notice or excluding them from programs.  What UNH’s is doing is covering their ass due to the previous screw ups in the building and the tenants are fed up.
For example:  What if a tenant has a complaint about transportation services or has an issue in regard to their tenancy or the office worker is slow in response to a tenant inquiry!  Are they to sit quietly in their unit and say nothing for fear of eviction.  I say no.  As a last resort tenants can file a T-form at the Landlord and Tenant Board Office located on King Street if they have a problem with the KMHC office.
  Since living here I've never heard or seen a KMHC staff member be physically or verbally attacked or harmed by a tenant. What I have seen is UNH's management harassing their own junior staff and a few times a tenant.
Like I said earlier I don't know why the letter was shoved under my door. General announcements should be posted on the bulletin board. Since the notice is not addressed to me personally it’s going to be “Returned To Sender” :P

A farewell to Sharon and Brad....I hope the HSC didn't drive you people nuts.  



Tony King said…
Update - From what I've heard there's a lot of rumours and finger pointing among the tenants on who the verbal abuser is. Tenants are also upset at the office for delivering the notice under their door, some immediately tore it up and tossed it in garbage while others tore the notice from the elevator wall in protest.
UNH's/KMHC office made a critical error. First off if tenant(s) are behaving badly to the staff then address the abuse issue to the person directly. Don't get other tenants involved. This is another example the KMHC staff don't know how to communicate with tenants and among themselves.

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