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The Right To Privacy

A few days ago installation was completed, we now have two more security cameras in front of the KMHC building entrance which has made tenants feel uneasy.  I knew this was coming a few months ago when I saw the HSC Ingrid standing outside giving the installer instructions on where she wants the cameras to face.  The angle of the cameras is peculiar facing the north and south sidewalk and the mailboxes.  I disapprove for two reasons ie: In good weather a majority of tenants like to stand outside with their friends/visitors or other tenants to have a private conversation and to socialize.  Now the KMHC staff can watch and record all this. The other camera that’s facing the mailboxes I’m sure that’s illegal, the KMHC staff can see and record what mail is being delivered to which tenant.  Make no mistake this is exactly what they are doing.  We’ve had a few incidences of vandalism but nothing that can’t be replaced or repaired.  I’m going to assume UNH’s has property insurance for such crime.
UNH’s/KMHC claim the security cameras are for our safety and protection I don’t believe it for one minute.  Here’s something interesting for the readers of this blog:  Recently I was told by a staff member the cameras are used as a deterrent.  Hmm!  After hearing this I have no doubt the building cameras are for tenant surveillance. 
The KMHC building is a subsidized housing facility funded by the City Of Hamilton and The United Way, it is not a luxury apartment complex filled with wealthy tenants. Spending time and money on tenant surveillance is an invasion of privacy and a waste of funds which could be useful toward making the building more accessibly safe for the Native elders. .
On Youtube I recently watched whistleblower Edward Snowden being interviewed, he's in Russia living in exile for leaking US Govt documents to a news journalist. When asked by the interviewer ”If a person is not doing anything unlawful then why should they be concerned about security surveillance”.  Mr. Snowden replied citizens should never give up their Right To Privacy because you never know when it will be needed down the road of life.  
I agree with his answer. 
F.O.B. locks - A new electronic front door lock system has also been installed where keys are not required. I think it's a good idea for tenants with a disability but as with all electronic/mechanical devices maintenance will be a future issue. With the traffic of tenants and staff coming and going through one automated glass door eventually the door will jam or fuck up somehow.  Let's hope the F.O.B. lock doesn't turn out to be an S.O.B. for the tenants. :P
Window cleaning - Last weekend after a long cold snowy winter I decided to wash all tenant windows on my level. I informed my neighbors first so they don't freak out "Who's that guy outside my window!". When I moved here and found out KMHC does not clean tenant windows I then took the initiative to do it myself. It's appreciated by my fellow tenant who later dropped off some carrot cake.....I love carrot cake.  :)



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