Late Friday afternoon Spencer was handed his 2nd N5 notice by sleazy paralegal Dale Skvereckas on behalf of Koo Gaa Da Manitou Housing Complex. He was upset and asked me to open the letter and to read the document, it says he has to attend a landlord & tenant hearing to decide if he should stay at KHMC or be evicted. Spencer is a friend and a fellow tenant he’s also a man with a physical disability, very limited education and had a hard life. On Tuesday I will take him to the Hamilton Legal Clinic to obtain legal counsel and I hope the best for him.
Times like this that I’m ashamed of being aboriginal, years ago I walked away from our culture because I didn’t like the way the majority of Native people treat each other. Everybody is out to fuck each other over and we’re unable to get along. Spencer doesn’t need to be kicked out on the street he needs intervention from people who care. If that doesn’t work then assist him in relocating to another housing facility.
After reading Spencer’s notice of eviction and the complaints the HSC wrote about him, I don’t believe anything she says, speaking from experience she lies and makes false/exaggerated statements all the time and right now she’s not very popular among the tenants.
On Feb 12 2013 the tenants received an open letter from UNH’s complaining some tenants are allowing their guests to enter and leave unescorted from the building. Looks to me Debra in the office is working overtime on the spy cameras. :P Anyway I have a solution: UNH’s with the front door camera have it linked to our units via CCTV and install an open door buzzer. 99% of apt buildings in Hamilton has this system, time for UNH’s to upgrade and come out of the stone age. It’s inconvenient for tenants who are older, have disabilities or not feeling well to walk then take the elevator all the way to the front of building especially in winter to let guests/friends/family in. As far as escorting guests to the front exit door, give me a fucking break! These are our trusted friends/family they are not here to rape and pillage the joint.
UNH’s: Asinine policies must be abolished and stop threats of eviction as a form of intimidation.