Yesterday there was a uncompleted sloppy typed letter delivered under my door from Urban Native Home Inc. “24 hour notice to enter” I have no problem with inspections as long as it’s done in moderation. The last one I had was on November 22, 2012 at 11.45 am. The Super and Charles did a though job. There’s not much that could happen in two months that would merit another inspection.
I am the perfect tenant, any unnecessary or unreasonable letters/notices from KMHC or UNH's will be considered landlord harassment.
Today UNH’s top maintenance guy Darryl Powell and his sidekick Trevor Owen showed up just after 11 am. Moments before the inspection I stated a few points about the written notice. The tenant’s name and a UNH’s employee’s signature were missing from the letter also the reason for the inspection was not written down. I found out yesterday after calling a lawyer: by law the landlord MUST have a good reason for entering a unit and put it in writing. Darryl was cool about my complaints and I asked that he pass it on to the office.
Ground rules approved by the Hamilton legal clinic: I told the guys before the inspection do not touch any of my possessions and no photographs are to be taken of my stuff without my consent. The guys agreed.
Darryl complimented me for keeping the unit in good condition and he didn’t find anything wrong or any damage to the unit. As the boys were leaving Trevor shook my hand and off they went. I could tell inspections were not a normal everyday task for Darryl and Trevor they made a few errors but later came back to correct it. I don’t blame them it’s like doing inventory…that kind of job is so mundane and boring.
See readers this is how a housing complex should be managed, I like when things run smoothly. No yelling & screaming at tenants from the hall, no sulking, no running to the police like a big baby, no making up stories.
In conclusion: Since my unit was the only one scheduled for inspection, I truly believe this was the Director and HSC's attempt at finding fault in hopes of an eviction. Nice try Janis and Ingrid. :PI am the perfect tenant, any unnecessary or unreasonable letters/notices from KMHC or UNH's will be considered landlord harassment.
Cheers. Tk