To my blog readers around the world please read the link below, it's published by the Hamilton Spectator newspaper
Well folks the day of reckoning has arrived for UNH’s. I recommend after the new board members are
appointed to vote on replacing the current UNH’s management:
1. A new acting Director
2. Replace the HSC
3. Replace the current HOW for KMHC
3. Replace the current HOW for KMHC
Family play time is over for the mother and daughter team UNH's Acting Director Christine
Lenze and Housing Service Coordinator Ingrid Nosel. When staff is
instructed not to talk to certain tenants or risk being fired is something I
totally disagree with. Communication
between I and UNH’s is nil because I’m not to talk to the staff. When I have a tenant issue I’m to mail a
letter to head office, No phones calls and no verbal communication whatsoever.
I’m not allowed to attend KMHC programs and
when I was told I cannot attend the UNH’s Christmas gathering 2015 I was disappointed,
I mean how heartless can UNH’s management be during the holidays. All these restrictions are without a court order. A few
months ago in hope of improving tenant and landlord relations I suggested in
writing to UNH’s director Christine Lenze we have a civil meeting to
clear the air. She never replied back I’m
sure her mother Ingrid had some influence on that.
I believe change is a good thing for Urban Native Homes
Inc. New management staff and a fresh start are
needed. I’m so tired of posting a blog
filled with UNH’s fuck ups. In the future I’d like to publish a blog
filled with optimism and positive comments, plus all Native elders will be treated
with respect, the staff are courteous, helpful and doing a fantastic job.
Thank you
Thank you