Have you ever seen a Housing Service Coordinator freak out in public! I did just a few hours ago, here's what happened I'm walking towards the KMHC entrance while HSC Ingrid Nosel is leaving the
building. She sees me and starts yelling toward my direction
I didn't hear what she was saying because I was listening to rock
music on my IPod. I stop and looked at her while
removing my earplugs, I didn’t say a word.
She is furious so furious she lost control she gets into her car then
get out then gets back in. I smiled at
her and pointed because she looked so foolish that’s when she freaked out, again gets out of her car and shouts
“Good I got you on camera!” All the
while I never approached her or spoke one word, as the automatic door opened I turn, entered the
building and walked to my unit. Her rule is that we
don’t speak to each other. Well today after two years she broke her own rule which means the conditions no longer apply. I’m
well aware security cameras are at the KMHC entrance I use to work for a security
company. I would never put myself in a
incriminating position. Interesting
enough Ingrid’s outburst proves to me UNH’s do not use the cameras for security
purposes they use it for tenant surveillance. Something I totally disagree with.
I know my blog site has some influence on why UNH’s management is under scrutiny and rightly so. I thank the Hamilton Spectator city hall reporter for excellent journalism and I believe the future will be brighter from tenants. It would be nice for all native elders to celebrate holiday luncheons, interesting programs offered and the occasional outing like we did many moons ago.
Like so many former employees have said to me about
Ingrid. “She is not what she appears to be” Today I saw it with my own eyes…it’s
true. I suppose she blames me for the
UNH’s scandal…but hey! I don’t have
access to the funds. I’m not the one who’s
hand is caught in the cookie jar. :P
Now on to another topic
No More Monkey Business!
It’s time for a refit. I knew
there was going to be a follow-up article from the Hamilton Spectator and the
reporter did not disappoint. Readers of
the world please read the link.
I know my blog site has some influence on why UNH’s management is under scrutiny and rightly so. I thank the Hamilton Spectator city hall reporter for excellent journalism and I believe the future will be brighter from tenants. It would be nice for all native elders to celebrate holiday luncheons, interesting programs offered and the occasional outing like we did many moons ago.