Hello readers, here’s what been happening since my last post. Late one night I was taking out the trash and
I noticed a lady in a wheelchair in front of our main entrance. She’s staying at Dunduran
Place Nursing home across the street recovering from surgery and she was upset.
The lady explained there’s no staff about and she’s lock out of the building. I don’t like seeing a woman cry so I offered to
help by wheeling her to the building and I’ll try to get night staff to open
the door for her. Mission accomplished the lady was grateful and safe in the building. I was just glad it wasn’t the
middle of winter when I found her.
Recently tenant Dean was going about bragging to other
tenants he called the cops on me. Last week
a H.R. police officer knocked on my door while I was in the shower, I told him to
wait while I dry off then I invited him in. I asked what this is all about.
Apparently Dean made a complaint to the police dept I’m harassing him on this
blog site. I explained to the officer,
Dean has taken the comment out of context and it was posted over a year ago. My response totally surprised the officer. Never the less I
wasn’t impressed with the officer’s cocky attitude and I told him so, I assured
him I follow Blogger Terms Of Use and I know the legalities. I explained to the
officer this blog site is my journal/diary where I express my thoughts by
writing them down and I choose to share with the public. There are millions of bloggers around the
world and one inexperienced regional police officer is not going to stop us from
posting our thoughts, ideas and opinions on social media.
This gave me the opportunity to mention to the officer for a year I’ve had to put up with Dean’s verbal/insulting outbursts and I
never retaliated. I told him the KMHC
office staff won’t do anything to shut Dean up. Dean’s mental state and complaint was a waste of police
work, the officer was aware and hinted about it. I'm sure he went back to Dean’s unit and gave him shit for being a pest. Before the police officer left my unit I asked for his badge number and he
On Friday we received another love note from the KMHC
office. It seems the building is still having boiler issues and this week for
two full days we’ll be without hot water.
It’s a good thing I'm a member of the Hamilton-Burlington YMCA I can go there to have a hot shower, shit
and shave whenever I want and not worry about boilers blowing up. :P