As you may recall in a previous post Spencer Waboose was stressed out to the max due to the eviction notice Koo Gaa Da Win Manitou filed against him.. Thanks to my blog site he received many comments of support from Social Media and when I told him this he felt better knowing he’s not alone. I offered my advice and was willing to walk him to the legal clinic but in the end he declined and decided to bail out. Fellow tenant Pete & I were the most supportive to Spencer’s dilemma we didn’t want to see him on the streets. After checking many options Spencer decided to move in with his brother at another city. The Waboose family Sandra and Spencer’s brother were there for him, they sat at the table and worked out a solution and I think it’s a good one and beside who am I to interfere in other family matters. Spencer asked me if I would help with the moving and if I could find a helper. Yeah I found one alright :P Fellow tenant Deano who was too busy goofing off...
Koo Gaa Da Win Manitou Housing Complex.