This blog post is a tribute to the two women I knew when I lived at KMHC.
One of the many memories I have is when I first moved to the KMHC building she greeted me in the Ojibway language. Soon after many times I would sit with her in the courtyard and she would share stories of her earlier life. You know, I don't think she had a nasty bone in her body, always optimistic and full of life. She never got involved in mean gossip/rumours that goes on in the building, always least with me. :)
RIP Miss Catherine, my condolences to her family.
Recently I was told due to the early stages of dementia tenant 'Stormy' was transferred to a nursing home. I never knew her real name yet it really didn't matter.
'Stormy' was a character she was uncouth, crass and liked her weed and was very open about it. I would sometimes give her neck rubs when we all sat in the courtyard. ;) Near the end of my tenancy at KMHC 'Stormy' and I didn't communicate, mostly because of her increase odd behavior and the Toothless Wonder's influence. Dementia has to be the scariest way to eventually go and I hope she gets the care she needs.