Easter season is the holiest of holidays plus my youngest
son was born on Easter so it’s a special time for me. On April 10, 2017 “Homeward Bound” located at
the money pit building on Kenilworth Ave hosted a Native Easter dinner and for
the first time I decided to attend. We
arrived a bit early and seeing Yvonne Maracle working hard on the dinner
preparation and still took the time to greet us was exceptional. Our group then waited outside which gave me the
opportunity to look around the building perimeter. What was written in the Hamilton Spectator
about the building is accurate it's a total mess. Anyway
the dinner served buffet style was delicious filled with ham, turkey and all
the fixins. The native guests and staff in
attendance couldn’t be any more friendly and sociable at the gathering. At the end I approached the hostess Yvonne
Maracle and thanked her for the feast and the leftover takeout tray. :)
The next day while sitting in the courtyard tenant Pete
mentioned he has a problem with his Apple IPod it freezes during start up so I offered to
look at it. After spending time diagnosing
the problem I had to upgrade the software and restore operations. All his music files were deleted but Hey! I got it working. Later tenant Pete said his IPod performs more efficiently and was grateful. This is why I enjoy helping out a fellow
tenant. :)
Last Thursday something unusual happened at KMHC, after the
noon hour as I left my unit I notice HOW Lynda Jones wearing her winter coat
carrying numerous gift bags into the building and when she saw me she rushed toward the elevator.
I thought how nice UNH’s is delivering
Easter gift bags to the tenants yet why avoid detection. Later I found out approximately five or more tenants
including myself didn’t receive Easter gift bags. When word got out the excluded tenants were devastated,
one female tenant sobbed, others were furious and some claim they don’t give a shit. I know their feelings were hurt. So here’s
the big question who gets to be “The Have Nots” in this place and why! KMHC is not Big Brother Canada these
are native elders who deserve the utmost respect and should be treated
equally. At the time of this writing no general
explanation was given by the KMHC office and my biggest disappointment is toward
the Urban Native Homes Inc. aboriginal staff. Did they speak out and say this is not fair to
the elders! I assume they didn't, all they care
about is their mundane jobs. :(
Easter Sunday I was fortunate to be invited outside the
native community to a dinner hosted by friends then the next day I received a Facebook
message from my next door neighbor Sweet grass woman. She prepared a Easter dinner and offered
me a huge plate of food. Gosh! I was totally surprised and thankful, her generosity
helped ease my disappointment with Urban Native Homes Inc.
Good Luck Miss Lisa.