Yesterday KMHC tenants were invited to a “Sharing Circle” introduction in the community room. Elizabeth Potskin is the new Cultural Resource worker for UNH’s. My plan was to be a fly on the wall and listen. Even though I and fellow tenant Joanie arrived late we were still included in the native smudge ritual. During the presentation Elizabeth came up with some interesting and fun ideas for the tenant elders to participate and she’s very knowledgeable in native traditions. From native arts & crafts to physical activity the young lady knows her stuff. I could see the tenant elders took a liking to her. I was impressed with her confidence, likeable personality and humor, I wish her well in her new job position. :) It’s unlikely I’ll attend many of her programs due to an active lifestyle and involved in other community activities in Hamilton plus tenant Dean is most annoying person at KMHC programs to the level of village idiot. I...
Koo Gaa Da Win Manitou Housing Complex.