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Strange Occurrences

Years ago the KMHC building use to be a printing/engraving machine shop co.  I remember walking by the windows would be open (no A/C back then) and hear the loud machinery operating.  Quitting time was 4 pm employees exited from the basement level and the offices were located on the first floor level. The second floor level remains a mystery.  The south end section was constructed when UNH’s obtained the building.  Observing the building from the outside one can tell it’s at least 100 years old and I’m sure it has some hidden secrets. When UNH’s first opened KMHC it was slow going they had difficulty getting applicants, original tenant Bob told me when Ingrid Nosel was the outreach worker she’d stand outside downtown drop in centres and offer Natives a carton of cheap cigarettes from the Rez then lure them to fill out an application.  I suppose promoting lung cancer was a good way to get tenants. :P
Remembering tenant Germaine, she and I would talk on the phone often then one night she said in a serious tone “many nights I would lay in bed and I’d have a strange feeling I was not alone in my unit” I laughed it off because I don’t believe in ghosts and hauntings…..soon after she passed away.  :(    Strange things have happened in this building ie: Last year the boiler blew up, the mechanics has to smash a hole in the wall in order to replace the old boiler, in the past pipes burst and flood units.  In one unit water was filling up a bedroom and the superintendent couldn’t figure out the cause. Many times in the past the office alarm system would go off in the middle of the night without explanation then reset. Tenants who live on the top floor report they can hear footsteps from the roof at night yet access to the roof is heavily locked. Constant problems with bedbugs and ants and today we have another strange phenomenon the elevator makes a grinding creaky sound when it moves from floor to floor which doesn't make the passenger feel safe. EEK!  I notice late at night my lit table lamp would flicker for 10 mins or so stop then repeat itself.  I once spoke to spiritual native elders they recommend this building have a full native smudge ceremony to cleanse the undead spirits.
Could this building be plagued with mishap that involves the paranormal?  I don’t have the answers but I would be curious to find out.
No doubt the scariest thing I saw today. I was walking home from the mall when suddenly ahead of me were the two HOW’s on their lunch break.  I was forced to look at Lynda from behind she was wearing baggy saggy grey slacks that made her butt look like a turtle’s ass. YIKES!  :D :D


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