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Transparency & Accountability

Written in the letter I received a few weeks ago I’ve been accused of manipulating a HOW “to my advantage”.  How is that possible!  If being courteous, charming and friendly in a social setting yet being straight forward and direct when it comes to tenant issues is a violation then arrest me and throw away the key.  :P
One of my blog readers posted on “Tony, why are they so paranoid they act like they are the Mafia”. I replied “Good question”.  I have my theories the main one is this blog site UNH's don’t like comments posted on social media.  I’m all for transparency and accountability UNH’s requires revision and restructuring, an independent third party investigative inquiry is needed to check their documents, files, who has access to tenant information, where funds are going and who's dipping in the cookie jar.  I see nepotism, mismanagement, unfairness, tenants and employees being thrown under the bus.
I’m not going to reveal my sources so I’ll say this, for the past four years social media and my blog site has upset the UNH’s Director to the point where she consulted with not one but two lawyers in effort to legally shut me down but without success.  Two years ago when the HSC called the cops she complained to the officer about this blog site. The officer and I just shrugged her off, there’s nothing he can do except advise her and others not to read it.  So you can imagine the HSC and the Director pulling each others grey hair out in frustration. :D  Their only alternative is to find a way to evict me unfortunately that won’t happen, at least not without a fight. Trust me!  I’ll be entering the landlord and tenant tribunal courtroom along with legal council wearing boxing gloves.  Meaning I’ve studied the Landlord and Tenant act and I will exercise my tenant rights.  I’m aware the HSC Ingrid will do anything she can to evict me.  It’s like a crazed manic obsession with her.  She’ll lie, cheat, scheme and act like a victim in front of the UNH’s Director and the tenant counselor manager in order to get her way (a display I've witnessed).  When former HOW Charles Jacobs worked here I offered a suggestion “Perhaps Ingrid and I should arrange a meeting along with the HOW’s to settle our differences”.  He relayed my message to HSC Ingrid and she declined.  So I ask you who’s being the difficult and vindictive one.  With the recent news headlines of racism towards Natives in Manitoba it's disappointing to see we can't even get along or work on a solution among our own people. .
Since the holidays are over not much happening around here. The maintenance dept keep the building in ship-shape. :)  A few days ago I opened the front entrance door for the pest control guy. YIKES!  Somebody has bed bugs.   I noticed on the bulletin board KMHC still offer uninteresting programs and it shows by the lack of tenant participation.  The office is trying an old approach by offering food…..but get this…they want tenants to bring their own plate and utensils.  Ha!  Talk about a classy joint huh!  :D

Now for some brighter news.  Wesley Urban Ministries multicultural group will be going on another field trip at the end of the month and my fellow KMHC tenants are invited.  This time we’ll be traveling via HSR bus to the Royal Botanical Gardens then after a free lunch at the community centre, then off to the Art Gallery Of Hamilton.  I can assure you nobody will be asked to bring their own plates and utensils to the luncheon.

Until next time stay warm.  :)


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