In response to my previous blog, today the person who taped
the article on my door came forward, we had a serious conversation and explained to me their good intentions
and all is well.
At the time I did send an e-mail to the UNH’s Director requesting to look
into the matter and to make sure it doesn’t happen again. She e-mailed me back and gave a vague response "according
to the security footage no employee came to my door at the time". For obvious reasons I didn’t believe her and replied
back I’d only be convinced if I looked at the security footage myself.
Anyway I’m glad the person came forward to clear the air, I feel better and in the
end we shook hands in solidarity. :)
On other news: Cam and his
Bluegrass Band entertained the tenants this afternoon and I had a good time. Hostess
Sandra gave me a little history on how the band came to be available and play
at KMHC and I thank her.
Just a reminder June is Aboriginal month…Don’t forget to hug
a Native, you’ll be glad you did. :D