I've come to the conclusion Ontario Aboriginal Housing Services reluctantly accepted the assignment to take over Urban Native Homes Inc. 3+ years ago. In their website there's an article where Justin Marchand OAHS executive director is standing in front of a building, the writings are basically saying 'Look at me I fly all around northern Ontario and I do Godly things'. :P Meanwhile OAHS in Hamilton go through staff like I go through socks. I once ask former staff worker Rose do they pay for her gas expenses when she has to travel to London from Hamilton she replied no probably one reason she left OAHS. She was a great gal, I liked her. Note to new job applicants you're under contract unless you know how to kiss ass and enjoy it don't expect a long career at OAHS.
Feedback from KMHC and Candlewood Drive complex tenants. I'm told due to poor new tenant screening domestic violence has increased at Candlewood Dr. and KMHC tenants are not happy. Many KMHC native elders have gone through alot in their lives, now in their golden years show them respect and attention. I predict these Hamilton aboriginal housing properties will be a slum in the near future.
Often OAHS staff don't return calls and when they do the current property manager suggests if the tenant wants improvement to the grounds notify Hamilton City Council or ACORN Canada. Talk about passing the buck!
Waste Management - KMHC still have the primitive waste disposal system that needs an update and check out these pictures captured at Candlewood Dr tenant complex. Disgusting eh! So Justin Marchand OAHS director next time you're flying around the northern skies in luxury think about the Candlewood Drive tenants in Hamilton who have to put up with the stench and filth and vermin due to sloppy waste management.