Hello Bloggers yes it’s been that long since I moved out of
KMHC, of the nine years I lived there I’ve made friends and acquaintances and
kept in touch via phone and social media.
By invitation I would occasionally drop by to visit tenant elder Judy Becker. She likes to cook supper and we share laughs
and life experiences. I offer praise and
encouragement to tenant Judy as she battles her demons.
During the last week of January I bought silver seat tickets to
see the Aboriginal play ‘Crees In The Caribbean’ at Theatre Aquarius in
Hamilton and I thought who would appreciate live theatre and would like to accompany
me! I immediately thought of my former
next door neighbor and friend Bernadeen at KMHC.
During my tenure at KMHC we got along fine.
A few weeks later my plan is to visit tenant Judy for coffee, then precede
to knock on Bernadeen's door and
escort her to Theatre Aquarius and watch the play. Sounds like the perfect evening, right! Unfortunately it didn’t turn out as planned, while
standing at the KMHC entrance I couldn’t remember tenant Judy’s buzzer number. Then tenant Joan Frame aka Aunt Opie came out
with a scruffy old man and immediately began uttering insults at me. I was in no mood to take her shit so we got
into it. I told her to get lost also her
scruffy old man said ‘Walk away Joan’ but she wouldn’t listen to him.
Anyway tenant little Debbie let me in the building she wasn’t
feeling well but knows and trusts me and told Joan/Aunt Opie to mind her own business.
After thanking Debbie I immediately went
to Judy’s unit we drank coffee then I left to pick up my other friend to see
the play. I shared with the ladies the brief
altercation I had with Joan/Aunt Opie yet I refuse to allow Opie to ruin my
evening. The play was a triumph and my
guest Bernadeen who’s from the Cree Nation also enjoyed the play. :)
My opinion of Joan Frame aka Aunt Opie she's psychotic and
looks like a disheveled bag lady not the type of person I would hang out
with. After I moved out of KMHC I received
Facebook messages from her filled with insults and threats eventually I blocked
her profile.
A week after the incident outside of KMHC I received Facebook messages and phone calls from
loyal KMHC tenants warning me about a signed notice sent to all tenants from Ontario
Aboriginal Housing Services, Meghan McCarville.
I am banned from KMHC with no written explanation. Obviously Joan Frame/Aunt Opie filed a false complaint
about me to OAHS yet the staff didn’t launch an investigation. The KMHC security cameras would show the real
story plus the other tenants were not interviewed and I was never notified. If OAHS really wanted to get in touch with me
they could have, instead Meghan McCarville posted my name in a public/common area and involved the KMHC
tenants in Joan/Aunt Opie’s tantrum, half don’t give a shit while the others believe
it’s wrong.
After getting over the initial shock that OAHS would post my
name to KMHC tenants I’ve come to realize it’s won't stop me from communicating with my KMHC friends, yet what does
this say about Ontario Aboriginal Housing Services! Are they going to ban friends and relatives
who visit KMHC tenants without written reason or their consent? These are Native Elders some don’t often get
visitors their children are all grown and moved on with their lives.
Shame on Ontario Aboriginal Housing Services
and Meghan McCarville.