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A Day At KMHC 2016

My Kitchen Area.
Well readers I’m elated to announce after many moons I finally have the right size refrigerator in my unit. Due to past experience I wasn’t sure UNH’s would respond to my second maintenance request for a refrigerator exchange from a vacant unit next door.  So I took the initiative to ask tenant Mr. Longboat after he moves out could I exchange refrigerators he agreed and left the keys on the table.  I decided to clean the interior and exterior of both fridges which are in good working order thus the KMHC office won’t freak out.  Surprisingly last Monday I received a phone call from UNH’s staff member Missy regarding my work order request.  I gave her the update on the refrigerators then we moved on to the shower door repair.  This morning Dr. Phil arrived with his medical bag and we worked on fixing the shower door.  Yipee!  No more drafty showers and water spraying on the floor.  I am a squeaky clean happy tenant. :)

Yesterday morning there was one slight inconvenience a uniform contractor knocked on my door asking to inspect the ceiling pipes because they are working on a unit above.  I thought where is the "24 hour notice to enter" that’s suppose to be issued to a tenant before any inspection is to take place!  I was in the middle of breakfast so I told him to come back in 15 minutes.  Now get this…the guy never came back.  Later I had to go out so I asked the KMHC receptionist where is the contractor that wants to look at the pipes!  They were in the boiler room so I asked the repair guys what’s happening.  The head contractor was pissed that I wasn’t given a notice to enter and cursed the office staff.  So there you have it folks another H.O.W. Lynda fuck up.  At that point I decided to leave and allow the contractors and UNH’s to battle it out.

One of my favorite tenants in the building took ill early this week and the paramedics were called.  Looking out my window I could see the crew taking the tenant to the ambulance she didn’t look well.  The ambulance stood parked on the side street for a bit and I could hear the tenant screaming in pain I figure they are working on her.  But get this: the ambulance side door was open and two paramedics (male and female) were laughing and joking around while the patient was screaming.  What I’d like to know is “what’s so funny!’   Eventually they closed to door then the ambulance drove off.   That was unusual.  :(



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