Food for the Gods |
Last Saturday morning I heard a knock on my door it was new
tenant Linda W. she invited me to a breakfast buffet in her unit. Actually she invited all KMHC tenant elders to help
themselves to the ingredients to make a breakfast wrap. I being a inquisitive person I had to ask
where she got all the food apparently she has connections in the Native
community. Right on tenant Linda W. :) I have to publicly thank the Hamilton Regional
Indian Centre on Ottawa St. for the wonderful breakfast ingredients and for
thinking of the KMHC native elders. I saw the HRIC staff deliver the food containers then
tenant Linda W. distributed the goodies. HRIC
is not affiliated with UNH’s therefore I was included in the food festivities plus
tenant Linda W. is a great gal. I met her
years ago when she was the receptionist at UNH’s head office. :)
UNH’s has a one day a week breakfast program at the “money pit”
building in east Hamilton. I’ve never had a reason to attend realistically it’s seems
quite the distance to travel for a bowl of cold porridge, runny eggs and burnt toast. No thanks!
I can make my own breakfast at home. :D
The heat wave we’re experiencing has affected the native
elders some are cranky while others stay in their unit. I’m fortunate the tenants on my floor get
along well. Little Debbie and I belong
to the same native band, tenant Sue reminds me of a hippy from Woodstock (Hippies
are cool) and Big Kevin down the hall is a gentle giant. I wonder if the heat is affecting the UNH’s
office staff! Nobody hangs out with the HOW
cop caller Lynda J. during lunch hour. Courtney the receptionist has a
sour look on her face every time I walk by the office. Listen up
staff if you don’t like your work environment or you're co-workers…just quit…trust me you won’t be missed. :P
The other day a woman approached the KMHC building around
4.15 pm and asked me where is the UNH’s head office she wants to pick up a rental
application. I told her to press the
office buzzer #. She tried that but no
answer I then suggest she try again in the morning. As she was about to leave she asked another
question. Why did UNH’s move from Albert Street! I replied “They were evicted, didn’t pay the rent” we both
laughed as she walked away. :D
I hope ya’ll are having a wonderful summer…I know I am. :)