Sneaky Wilimina took this pix of I & two FB friends at City Hall. :) Woke up bright and early on Tuesday morning then looked out my window and notice the tall berry trees in front of the KMHC building need a good trimming. Feeling energetic I decided to trim them myself if I had to wait for UNH’s to do it hell would freeze over. Aboriginal day celebrations at Hamilton City Hall were scheduled for 11.30 am and I soon got ready. When I arrived speeches by local dignitaries were in progress so I quietly joined the crowd in the back. NDP leader Andrea Horwath was also on the podium when she was done her speech she walked by and said hello to my friend Wilamina who was standing next to me. I just nod and smiled when Andrea looked my way. I hope the Feds don’t come after me for saying this. My Gosh, I was smitten! In person the NDP leader is a lovely looking woman. :) Native speakers were next on the podium unfortunately ...
Koo Gaa Da Win Manitou Housing Complex.