Looking for a HOW – After Christine D. left I noticed a job
posting on the information highway in PDF format. UNH’s is looking for a replacement. After carefully reading the job duties my suspicion is correct using the term Housing Outreach Worker aka HOW is misleading. UNH’s really want is a jr. tenant supervisor. Well guess what! I’ve been on this planet long enough to know I
don’t need supervision and most tenants in the building feel the same. There are 18 required qualifications and tasks for the
job which I’m not going in to but I will add a few satirical requirements to the list. :)
19. Applicants must be able to chew bubble gum on a regular basis
HOW Lynda will give proper demonstration.
20. Applicants are required to wear chapstick and pucker up
good before ass kissing UNH’s senior staff.
21. At meetings applicant must pretend to show interest at
what the hell UNH’s is talking about.
22. Opinions and suggestions – Applicants are allowed to
think it but not speak it.
23. During office hours applicant must wear a muzzle when
approaching select tenants or risk being fired.
Good luck to all applicants and remember HSC Ingrid will provide a free class on rude gestures. ;)
Until next time have a good day. :)