Native Dancer |
Recently we had a discussion among a few tenants in the courtyard regarding N5 notices from Urban Native Homes Inc. When I think about it now what is written on the N5 form is petty and does nothing but cause resentment toward UNH’s management. UNH’s instructs paralegal (Dale Skvereckas) to write up a N5 eviction notice then deliver it to the tenant. At this point the tenant doesn’t know which UNH’s employee gave Dale the instructions because the name of the person is not included in the N5 form. I believe this is important in legal procedures and makes me question its validity. A defendant (tenant) has the right to know the name of the person.
Seems the KMHC community room is now open for programs only. Oh well! I call it the bedbug room. I know what to get HOW Lynda for her birthday a case of bubble gum you should see this woman chewing the stuff while she works. Cows are impressed with her chewing ability. LOL
Once again UNH’s maintenance department was quick to respond to my work order request. Unfortunately and no fault to the staff the appliance is too large for the unit, on Thursday I faxed a letter explaining the situation and l hope they respond to my suggestion.
A few days ago I read an article on the APTN news website Hamilton Native Womens Centre Transitional housing program will no longer be funded by the Government. This is sad news and I hope they find a solution to their funding crisis. UNH's is different their main source of funding is The United Way.
I hear we have a new UNH’s Director hopefully she’ll bring a ray of sunshine into a often cloudy environment.
Aboriginal Day celebrations will be happening soon at Hamilton Gage Park and I hope to see you there. Also this is where I can meet and greet with UNH’s staff and management can’t do fuck all about it.
Cya soon and check out my humorous link