I didn’t mention this here but I did on Facebook Three weeks ago I decided to join a journalism
workshop to improve my writing skills and to learn the technique in writing a
good story. I’m glad to announce I
successfully completed the workshop.
I have to give credit to former UNH’s outreach worker
Lorraine Brown for giving me the encouragement and inspiration to pursue this. I
have a story to share with the blog readers: a few years ago Lorraine was on her smoke brake sitting in
front of the KMHC building so I decided to ask her opinion in regard to my Native
Housing blogs and I still remember her words. "Tony you have a skill in writing
don’t waste it on this place (she was referring to KMHC) focus your writing on
bigger, brighter and more interesting things". At
the time I wasn’t sure if she was trying to steer me away from writing about
KMHC or was she really concerned about me.
Last summer when I saw her @ Jackson Square mall we had a nice chat, in
the end she reminded me to check out the courses available @ MacMaster
University. Blogging and journalism are
two different styles of writing, I have along way to go before I can call
myself a journalist but at least I’m heading in the right direction. :)
Thank you Ms. Lorraine Brown.
Now back to my blog – Yesterday a presentation on Kidney disease
was available for all tenants since I’m a health fanatic I decided to attend. Entering
the community room it was good to see how many fellow tenants were there. The two
gentlemen presenters were informative and willing to answer questions. You may be wondering why was this is so different
from other programs. At previous tenant meetings HOW Lynda Jones announced "Tenants
who do not sit through an entire program will not be allowed to eat". Well Lynda
I stayed to the end and what was sitting on the table! A tray of day old pastry and strong coffee
brewing. :P What I found more interesting,
for the first time in a long while there was no outreach staff sitting around in
the community room pretending to be babysitters. As the presenters were about to leave we all
thanked them for coming, then the tenants hung out and had a good social
conversation. Little Debbie took the
initiative to ask a new tenant’s name and we all jokingly welcomed him by
shouting “Welcome Dwayne to Bates Motel” :D My point is the tenants felt
comfortable to talk freely among ourselves when the KMHC staff are not around and if they were watching us via the
community room security camera then that is just creepy.