Yesterday entering the community room I looked around and found a good seat near the dessert table. Tenants Judy, Sandra, Dave and his sister Sue plus we had a special guest “Stan” at our table. The highlight for me was listening to his view on the bureaucrats in the native community. We started off with tenant Catherine saying grace and a lovely prayer then the people lined up at the buffet table. During this time the KMHC staff were totally unaware tenant Linda was upset. She was sitting by herself at the other end of the room practically in tears. Empathy for others is something I’m good at so I walked over to comfort the woman. She appreciated my concern. The KMHC staff were also servers at the buffet table and I got gratification seeing Ingrid Nosel the HSC aka the cop caller finally doing some work around here. :P Fellow tenants – I notice we have a collage of native tenants at KMHC. Some are humorous, strange, weird, shy, quiet, outspoken, sensitive while a f...
Koo Gaa Da Win Manitou Housing Complex.