With new tenants and staff arriving at KMHC in early 2013 I
was expecting the unexpected and I was not disappointed. The top issue with
tenants, KMHC took away the park bench it's been located in front of the entrance
since this joint opened up and they moved it to the courtyard. After listening to
some concerns from my fellow tenants I can see why they are upset.
Here’s what UNH’s does best by making tenants and their
guests feel unwelcome @ KMHC. Posting a
general notice to all tenants complaining children and adult guests are seen via the
security cameras leaving the building unescorted and with keys. Ha! HSC
Ingrid and Dale S. the sleazy paralegal will both be having an orgasm issuing
N5 eviction notices to the elderly and handicapped tenants in this building. :P
As with any housing complex/building not all tenants get
along. I don’t talk to Deano anymore the few times I’ve passed him outside the
building, I can hear him mumbling incoherently but I choose to ignore the idiot by
turning on my MP3 player. I hear the
female tenants are not getting along something to do with gossiping and pets I’m staying out of this one.
A few weeks ago early in the morning I noticed a strange
heavy set woman standing in front of the office door so I took the initiative
and politely asked ”who are you!” She replied I’m the Administrator Assistant I
immediately thought “Ok she’s a secretary…big deal”. I later found out her name is Sharon. You know usually UNH’s staff dress appropriately for work
but this Administrator Assistant…well….let’s say baggy track pants and wrinkled tops will not pass as office attire.
Guess what folks! My
lease has been renewed for another year. UNH’s had no choice all my documents
were in order and I know the HSC Ingrid tried but couldn’t find a loop hole to
evict me. On a personal note I enjoy
living in the downtown area, outside of KMHC I’m a pillar of the community,
well recognized and liked by many people both on a professional and personal
Until next time…play safe. ;)