.....…These were the last words I heard from H.O.W. Lynda Jones. I
don’t consider this a big issue but it is annoying. This morning I received a
phone call from Lynda Jones reminding me to escort my guests to the entrance/exit
door during the day. I find this to be peculiar
since I rarely have guests during the day, when I do I ALWAYS walk them to
the exit and I told her that. Hey Lynda here's my "friendly reminder" I suggest the KMHC office
staff get the facts straight and next time provide prove ie: from the security cameras
capture a photo with time and date of the unescorted person leaving my unit during the day. I know how the
KMHC office operates when the HSC Ingrid wants to be a bitch she gets the junior staff to do
her dirty work. Trust me I got all the scoops from former staff.
Yesterday I read a notice on the bulletin board, the annual
tenant BBQ will be held at head office. Have you seen the head
office building! It's next to a unpaved laneway with a small parking lot. Picture this: we have tenants from Kenatah, KMHC and other homes
scattered throughout the city all congregating in this little area of space
waiting for a few burgers and a bottle of water, when it's all over the tenants will be standing around saying "Ok now what!" :D
The neighbours who live in the residential area will be thinking “What are those Indians up to now!” :D Anyway I won’t be attending I can’t face the embarrassment like last year.
The neighbours who live in the residential area will be thinking “What are those Indians up to now!” :D Anyway I won’t be attending I can’t face the embarrassment like last year.
This just in: here is a funny joke posting by a FB friend in the UK...