I’m not saying Lorraine
and I agreed on everything, we butted heads on a few issues and we also had some
excellent conversations without breaching protocol. :)
From my observation being an Housing Outreach Worker for UNH’s
doesn’t mean they’ll have a lasting career at this place I suspect HOW Charles will
be next to go, mind you if you’re good at sucking up to the HSC or family related and willing to work minimum wage you might have a chance. :P I’ve seen many
good staff members leave perhaps it’s by their choice or their contract expired
or being thrown under the bus. You know what pisses me off the most and I've said this before…we don’t always get
the opportunity to say goodbye. Well readers as of yesterday we have a new HOW replacement...how will she fit in....only time will tell.
I’m aware Lorraine
is still involved in the Native community and drops by to read my blogs so this
message goes to Lady Brown: I wish you good luck in your career and personal
life and may your journey be free of incident. :)