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I Can't Believe It, This Is So Tacky.

For April 5, 2012 a Easter potluck luncheon invite was posted on the bulletin board for the tenants of K-M Housing Complex.  I don’t mind contributing food to an informal gathering but today we received a little note asking to bring our own plates, utensils and a cup in effort to cut down on waste.  Sometimes I wonder what in the hell the K-M staff are thinking I'll bet this was the Super's idea,  it’s not like we have a feast every month in this joint so why make a big fuss over a few paper plates, plastic utensils and God forbid we should touch their plastic cups.  Talk about being cheap! 
According to the King School Of Etiquette a host should never ask guests to bring their own plates, cups and utensils even to a potluck function, just be grateful the guests bring food.  Next time we should have a Medieval Times luncheon where we eat off the table with our bare hands maybe then K-M will stop being so anal. :P
This is such a turn-off, at the moment I’m thinking “K-M can shove the turkey up where the sun don't shine, I’m not attending." 
Update - April 5, 2012 if you haven't noticed yet...there's new important information posted in the comment section that's quite interesting ...check it out. 


Anonymous said…
Hello Tony I want to inform you the the HSC Ingrid Nosal is doing her best to kick you out by trumping up fales charges. She has done this before with Danile Josephand others. She has give YOU a diagnosis of a mental illness and will not rest until you are either gone or committed. She has told her husband children family and strangers all about you. You have been slandered betweem here and Lethbridge by her.She has broken the code of ethics of a social worker and feels she is immune from any actions by the tennants. She is also attacking the staff and was responsible for Joseph and Stephanie being fired and is trying to get Lorraine fired like she had Denise fired. Your human rights have been violated and I will testify on your behalf to stop this abuse of her clients human beings. She has also been told she has symptoms of a personality disorder by 2 highly trained professionals but refuses to seek help. What is she doing working with vulnerable people. I will contactyou with my information.
Tony King said…
Thank you Anonymous for your comment. I've have Ingrid Nosel's sleazy tactics figured out along time ago and I'm not surprised on what you're saying. My unit is next door from former tenant Danny Joesph so I heard and seen how the poor man was treated. I saw former staff member Stephanie Hagar fleeing the building in tears and I knew something was up when Denise M. was suddenly gone before her contract was up. The last time I was disgusted with Ingrid is when she called the cops and filed a N7 form on a tenant who has a physical disability even after the man apologized for his verbal outbursts she still wouldn’t let up. I have empathy for Lorraine B. & Charles J. they have very little influence on how things are run around here, they just do what they are told.

This place has so much potential all it needs is the right leadership.
Anonymous said…
Go to the Human Rigts Board you can sue aND YOU WILL WIN.
Tony King said…
Ingrid reminds me of a Catholic nun who ran the Native residential schools years ago because of their religious beliefs they truly believe they are doing the right thing. The sad thing is look at the result..stories of natives being abused physically and mentally are in the history books.
Anonymous said…
Tony you need to get going and do something. She is planning on running another housing place for natives out west. You can stop her from abusing others.
Tony King said…
Unfortunately the only thing I can do is bring awareness which is what this blog site is all about. Social Media is a powerful tool, right now the pageviews for this site are near 6,000 and growing thanks to the links to Twitter and the Google search engine and I'm thinking of branching out to Facebook. Many people in Hamilton are keeping an eye and reading my blogs and taking it seriously including local politicians, The Spec, former tenants and friends I know in the business world.
When I do move out of this building this site will continue on I have plans to merge it with another Blog related to Native issues.
Once again I thank Anonymous for the warning and judging by your writings I do believe you. If you have any more information to share please go to my blogger profile and send me an e-mail message. :)
Anonymous said…
I do have more info how do I get to your blogger profile dont move out yet you can still beat this demon
Tony King said…
It's been two years since I received these warnings from Anonymous. Last year I found out who this person is, It's John Nosel the HSC's husband. I suspect Ingrid and John had a falling out and this was his way of getting back at his wife. I couldn't care less about their marital status what I'm concerned about is the information he obtained. This is a breach of confidentially and merits Ingrid Nosel's dismissal as HSC for UNH's

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