Last year I read in the Hamilton Spectator NWC and other non
profit organizations will be experiencing funding cuts and unfortunately this
has caused a ripple effect in the urban native community. Yesterday KMHC tenants received a notice from the office that the
NWC food hamper program will be limited only to those “experiencing extreme financial
hardship.” I think a clearer definition is needed…does a person have to
be eating canned dog food or living on bread and water before they can get
assistance? Come on people! Any person
who’s on OW/ODSP or on a pension is living below the poverty line to me that
would qualify as “extreme financial hardship”
Don’t let the food
hamper program deteriorate you could save $$ by describing to an applicant what
is available and ask if these items are needed. Some of the items that NWC put in the boxes
are not always used. Don’t get me wrong NWC is an excellent organization…you
ladies just need to do some brainstorming.
Personally I don’t understand why some months ago Koo Gaa Da
Win Manitou got involved with the NWC food hamper program there was no
need for a liaison.
On behalf of the KM tenants I thank Linda Ense Executive Director of NWC