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Showing posts from 2022

Urban Native Homes & The United Way.

Recently a gym member and I were talking about Native issues in Canada when to my surprise Urban Native Homes Inc. came up in conversation. The gym member is also a member of the United Way senior management staff.   The United Way was a financial supporter for Urban Native Homes Inc.for many moons. The KMHC building opened up as the first Aboriginal housing facility for seniors in Canada. I remember walking by the building on opening day and noticed local dignitaries and news media covering the story plus the United Way was there too.  So here's the scoop readers, some years later things started looking fishy with Urban Native Homes Inc. when staff started writing up false and misleading financial statements to the United Way foundation. This activity was also going on at the Hamilton Regional Indian Centre when they were located on Main Street E.  The Director of Hamilton Regional Indian Centre at the time said to the United Way representative "It's not your money ...

Sad & Upsetting News Pt 2

Continuing from my previous blog today I was given friend Peter Isaac's obituary posted in the Two Row Times, an aboriginal newspaper.  A thank you to one of my followers. Other news! From a reliable source I was informed Ontario Aboriginal Housing Services are not paying their contractors. For Shame!  As I recall, years ago it was reported in a local newspaper and I wrote a blog about it Urban Native Homes Inc was sued by contractors for non payment of services rendered. Could the same happen to OAHS.....Hmm!  Anything is possible. Last week KMHC tenant Aunt Opie was spotted exiting a Direct Cash outlet in downtown Hamilton. I highly suspect she has fallen down the rabbit hole of outrageous interest rates from payday loans. Oh well there goes her Govt cheque and why am I not surprised.:P  A reminder June is Aboriginal month please support the native community by attending any Pow Wow events in your area.   Tk

Sad and Upsetting News

 First the sad news!  Last week friend and KMHC tenant Peter Isaac passed away alone in his unit. Peter and I got along well and after I moved out we'd run into each other downtown so I made a point to sit and chat with him often. He had the gift to gab and there were times I had to cut him off because I had to leave. Near the end of his life I notice he didn't look well and I reminded him to look after himself especially after he confide in me that he accidentally OD'd on fentanyl a month ago.  Peter had many street friends and I feel he had a rough life. There are some in the KMHC building who despise Peter and I say get over it, the man has passed and carrying around all that negativity is unhealthy. I notice with the passing of Peter there are not many tenant/friends left at KMHC that I know.:(  Such is life.      RIP Peter Issac   The Upsetting News!  Security at KMHC is terrible. There has been drug addicts camping out in the basement l...

OAHS Is Shady

News of the war in Ukraine, celebrities bitch slapping others and homelessness in Hamilton is crazy eh!  Ontario Aboriginal Housing Services lacks transparency and accountability. I received a report about property manager Luke Johns removed tenant's property at Kenatah Housing Complex on Candlewood Drive without written reason or explanation. The tenant owned an expensive swing that was not blocking any entrance and was good for her son who has autism.    I've known Luke Johns since the days when he was a basic cleaner for KMHC. We are not friends, we don't hang out however he was polite, respectful and always ready to help when needed. A young man who reminded me of my son. As the years went by he moved to the UNH maintenance dept then an advocate for natives in the community and one of the organizers for the Pow Wow at Gage Park.  He proposed to his girlfriend at the Pow Wow circle in front of everybody which I thought was corny but it is what it is At native cele...

Three Grand Ladies and an Opie

  Recently by invitation I dropped by KMHC for a brief chat with a female tenant friend we talked about our good health and a possible job opportunity in the future.  At the end of our conversation I was about to leave when a second tenant friend Bernadeene came out to drop off clothes for the needy and when she was done we started to chat, the conversation was deep and serious regarding family issues. Soon after former security tenant Brenda B.came out with a cheerful greeting. I have to say my conversation with the ladies were enjoyable, no drama or gossip. :) As fate would have it, Bernadeene and I were in mid conversation when Aunt Opie aka Joan Frame exits the building. She still looks like a bag lady who's now gained 30 lbs.   I haven't had a conversation with Aunt Opie/Joan Frame in nearly 5 years and I don't intend to start now. Wouldn't you know it as soon as she saw me she hovers around us pretending to look in her purse while listening to our conversation....

RIP Miss Catherine Osley

  This blog post is a tribute to the two women I knew when I lived at KMHC.  Native Elder Miss Catherine is the first Aboriginal person to occupy the KMHC building and was a tenant until yesterday when I got word she passed away peacefully. Just shy of 90 years old this woman I believe had a good life. One of the many memories I have is when I first moved to the KMHC building she greeted me in the Ojibway language. Soon after many times I would sit with her in the courtyard and she would share stories of her earlier life. You know, I don't think she had a nasty bone in her body, always optimistic and full of life.  She never got involved in mean gossip/rumours that goes on in the building, always least with me. :) RIP Miss Catherine, my condolences to her family.     Recently I was told due to the early stages of dementia tenant 'Stormy' was transferred to a nursing home. I never knew her real name yet it really didn't matter.  'Stormy' was a ...