Urban Native Homes Inc. will no longer exist. Today and tomorrow Ciy of Hamilton/Ontario Aboriginal Housing Human Resources Dept. are interviewing UNH staff and other applicants in the community room. Who will be rehired and who will be fired! I just hope they choose wisely. Tonight I heard Christine Lenze, her mother Ingrid Nosel and the rest of their family and friends has left UNH. This evening before I left for the gym I ran into receptionist Melissa Wissner in the hallway. She was waiting for her job interview and had a message for me from former UNH caseworker Crystal Mackenzie. Crystal wishes me good luck and it was a pleasure working with me. I was surprised by the message and I wish her the best too. :) My blog site has accomplished what I started out to do some years ago by publicly outing the mismanagement of Urban Native Homes Inc. It's been a long arduous journey. I would like to thank anonymous and the others for thei...
Koo Gaa Da Win Manitou Housing Complex.