Hello readers this is my review of the local Aboriginal events that went on in our community. Similar to last year the weather Saturday was hot and humid at Gage Park mini Pow Wow or as some Natives call it “the fake Pow Wow” so I didn’t stick around long. :P Unfortunately the event has deteriorated, less dancer participation and I notice public attendance was low. Could be due to lack of advertising, the weather or people are tired of seeing the same thing every year. Aside from that I did run into a few friends and acquaintances that make the trip worthwhile. Speaking of trips the UNH’s driver Tim abruptly quit the job on Friday, I never had the opportunity to know the guy and by choice I never use the transportation services. The UNH Administration had to step up to the plate again. Next day unknown to tenant elders who rode the van to the Pow Wow the trip was one way, they were expected to find their own way home or wait for bus...
Koo Gaa Da Win Manitou Housing Complex.