Native Dancer Hey Everybody! Summer has arrived and already there is unrest in the downtown native community, 4 years ago three large wooden planters were dropped off in the courtyard the idea was to allow tenants to use it as a garden. This year that has changed UNH’s took back the planters to grow flowers. Looks like manure has been poured on the tenant garden program. Recently we had a discussion among a few tenants in the courtyard regarding N5 notices from Urban Native Homes Inc. When I think about it now what is written on the N5 form is petty and does nothing but cause resentment toward UNH’s management. UNH’s instructs paralegal (Dale Skvereckas) to write up a N5 eviction notice then deliver it to the tenant. At this point the tenant doesn’t know which UNH’s employee gave Dale the instructions because the name of the person is not included in the N5 form. I believe this is importa...
Koo Gaa Da Win Manitou Housing Complex.