It’s around 9am Christmas morning I turned on the coffee pot, made a few phone calls and decided to turn on my Christmas window lights and tree display in celebration of the day. I’ll be hitting the gym early this morning @ 11 am for a good workout because I have two turkey functions to attend later in the day. One at the local community centre and another with a Scottish clan I’ve known for many years who reside on the mountain. Thanks to my fellow tenants for the wonderful Christmas cards. Urban Native Homes Inc. decided to ignore me this Christmas time with no gift card or presents while other tenants received something. UNH’s management claims they’re a unique organization which is far from the truth. This year there was no Christmas tree in the KMHC community room and no Christmas light display in the front entrance of the building. Christmas Past used to be filled with conversation and laughter while enjoying a turkey dinner in the ...
Koo Gaa Da Win Manitou Housing Complex.