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Showing posts from September, 2013

KMHC Tenants Petition Have Been Denied

A few weeks ago I was asked by a fellow tenant to sign a petition to put the park bench back in front of the building.  After reading the petition I signed it. Yesterday all tenants received a response from the petition, an unsigned two page letter with a copy of the petition from Urban Native Homes Inc. I also noticed 75% tenant signatures on the petition. “Request to put the park bench back in it’s original place has been denied”. I didn’t plan on making a blog about this issue but since UNH’s delivered a letter under my door then it deserves a response on my blog site. The park bench has been helpful in many ways. It’s a place where one can sit and relax and collect their thoughts or chat or rant with a fellow neighbor or to rest after a day of errands etc. The elderly tenants feel safe when near the building.   I can remember when former tenant Danny Joseph was being evicted by HSC Ingrid Nosel. Danny was visibly upset and I sat next to him, comfort him on the park be...

Horizon Utilities

This morning Horizon Utilities dropped by to inspect our units, being the inquisitive person I asked inspector Joe questions. He was helpful and informative; one thing that caught my attention Horizon Utilities has been commissioned by the Govt to educate consumers on how to conserve electrical energy. Since hydro is covered in our rent it good to remind tenants wasting electricity is costly. Inspector Joe checked my power bars and the refrigerator and offered to replace the light fixtures with low energy light bulbs and gave some good advice. At the end of the inspection, I asked how my unit held up on energy conservation. He replied I’m doing well.   * Hurray For Tony *  :) Inspector Joe & I had a little chat, he mentioned if we don’t start conserving hydro the Province will have to build another nuclear power plant to keep up with the demand. And guess who’ll be flipping the bill…..Us Canadians!. Since I passed the inspection I feel good enough to give my unit ...

If It's Not Broken, Why Fix It!

With new tenants and staff arriving at KMHC in early 2013 I was expecting the unexpected and I was not disappointed. The top issue with tenants, KMHC took away the park bench it's been located in front of the entrance since this joint opened up and they moved it to the courtyard.  After listening to some concerns from my fellow tenants I can see why they are upset.   Here’s what UNH’s does best by making tenants and their guests feel unwelcome @ KMHC.   Posting a general notice to all tenants complaining children and adult guests are seen via the security cameras leaving the building unescorted and with keys.   Ha!   HSC Ingrid and Dale S. the sleazy paralegal will both be having an orgasm issuing N5 eviction notices to the elderly and handicapped tenants in this building. :P As with any housing complex/building not all tenants get along. I don’t talk to Deano anymore the few times I’ve passed him outside the building, I can hear him mumbling incoherently ...