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Showing posts from August, 2013

Native Cigarettes

One of my previous blogs dated Feb 26, 2012 I wrote about contraband cigarettes.   Last night on TVO (a public broadcasting station) there was an interesting documentary on the subject. The narrator explains how tobacco has been here (North America) for centuries and it’s a gift from the creator.   A smoke shack owner on the Rez said selling cigarettes helped pay for her house and would rather work then be on welfare. Similar stories also came up in the documentary. One man said the RCMP gets involved because the Govt like any business doesn’t get a piece of the profits.   Good example on how the Federal Government works: If a native is selling moccasins on the roadside the RCMP couldn’t give a shit, but if the native is selling cigarettes out comes the shotgun.   Producing and delivering Native cigarettes is a dangerous game. The person risks their cartons of cigarettes being confiscated, heavy fines and later possible jail time if the fines are not paid. ...

"Just A Friendly Reminder".....

.....…These were the last words I heard from H.O.W. Lynda Jones. I don’t consider this a big issue but it is annoying. This morning I received a phone call from Lynda Jones reminding me to escort my guests to the entrance/exit door during the day.   I find this to be peculiar since I rarely have guests during the day, when I do I ALWAYS walk them to the exit and I told her that.  Hey Lynda here's my "friendly reminder" I suggest the KMHC office staff get the facts straight and next time provide prove ie: from the security cameras capture a photo with time and date of the unescorted person leaving my unit during the day.   I know how the KMHC office operates when the HSC Ingrid wants to be a bitch she gets the junior staff to do her dirty work. Trust me I got all the scoops from former staff. Yesterday I read a notice on the bulletin board, the annual tenant BBQ will be held at head office. Have you seen the head office building!  It's next to a unpaved laneway wi...